The Weekend

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The hotel was two and a half hours away from my house by personal vehicle. When we arrived, it was 7:30pm and the place was just beautiful in all its glory. Lights in the water fountain at the front court, guests going in and out, the famous attraction "Memory Lane" was stringed with lights from the entrance to wherever it led. The garden was freshly trimmed, I could smell the grass, and it was lighted as well, and the sprinklers were on, moistening the soil. The gazebos out on the lawn, with candles lit in them were utterly romantic, and so, I searched my mind for the perfect word, breath-taking! I glanced at Tyler under the lights of the garden, his perfectly handsome face glowed and I couldn't help but smile to myself. I could feel my cheeks warming up as he drove into the parking lot and pulled up in a 'RESERVED' space, he turned to look at me and smiled. Oh gosh

"You're rather silent. Are you okay?"

"Just absorbing the beauty of this place"

"Good. You ready to go?"

"Yeah, sure"

We exited the car and took our stuff from the trunk while I took out the food and he threw me the keys so I could lock up and I followed him into the automatic door. In the lobby, persons were making their way to what may be the ballroom, with wires, microphones, laptops etc. Must've been Karoke night. I shrugged it off and walked quickly over to the concierge's desk to meet up with Tyler who was already collecting our room key. Since we travelled light, we decided to take our luggage up ourselves. We -well, Tyler- booked a leisure suite on the third floor, room 306. When he opened the door, he let me enter first and I scanned the walls with my free hand for the light switch and found them rather, and flicked the second one on. That was for the kitchen, which was a ways from where we were, weird set up of the light switch but okay. The kitchen was small and rather cute. The third switch was a chandelier which lighted the carpetted, spacious living/dining area. It hosted a large black 'L' shaped sofa, a black recliner and a coffee table with magazines and brochures and room service menus. An entertainment set with a large television stood before the couch, with two soundbars on either side Why wasn't I expecting less? The dining area was partitioned by four, tall rectangular glass aquariums, each filled with water and red aquarium pebbles, a main source of light that would've reflected red when the main lights were off, each had aquarium toys at the floor of them and tall stalks of white Calla Lilies, with exotic fish swimming around in them.


He looked at me approvingly then chuckled and went to the bedroom with our things. All this was done for me? Gosh! I felt nothing but love for this man. There was a black glass table with two chairs pushed under. That big room had two floor to ceiling windows on each side of the glass door that led to the balcony overlooking the hotel's beauty. I walked into the bedroom where Tyler was, it was lovely, there was a king canopy bed in the center and two night tables, each with lamps,magazines and books. There was a walk-in closet and a bathroom inside the room. There was a bathtub in the center and a shower with clear glass doors and his and hers faucet. This place was gorgeous

"Do you like it?"

"I love it Tyler"

He smiled and hugged me from behind, staring inthe full length mirror in the bathroom, then whispered

"This is all for you babe"

I blushed then smiled and he softly kissed my neck, immediately, goosebumps filled my body. I spun around and kissed him long and hard and he gripped my ass. Could this wekend get any better? Yes it could and it will. Ty had just gotten from work when he picked me up so he went to take a shower while I gave our dinner a quick minute in the microwave and set the table. When he got out, we decided we'd go to the Karoke and just a stroll around the gazebos after we had dinner
Karoke was actually nice and we met a friendly couple. We only spent an hour there and then decided to sneak away to the Gazebos as planned to just chill a little. . We got back to the suite at 11pm and Tyler put a movie in, Dueces, with Meagan Good, I loved that. I went to curl up in the sofa under a blanket while he was setting up the movie and getting a few snacks for us. He came to sit behind me, then kissed the nape of my neck, I shuddered

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