Chapter 7

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As I got to the office and sat by my desk, Tyra was already blowing up my cell.

"Hey! What happened the other night? Yu didn't get back to meh"

"I know. Good morning to you too"

"Yeah, whatever. So?"

Oh my God, she was addicted to my love life

"I'm pretty certain when you and Lloyd were dating, I was on the back bench of y'all business"

'Listen to this ungrateful punk"

"Ha. Ungrateful?"

"Lady, had I not given your numbers out in the Caribbean you wouldn't have had your man in 

the first place"

"Girl, don't even come with that"

"Why? It's true"

"Okay Tyra, I'll text you what happened, ok?"

"Make sure of it"

"I will. Now please, I've gotta go"

"Yeah, me too. Love you"

"Love you too...Bitch"


"You're beautiful"

I hung up and got to working on my PC. The rest of the day went well. Tyra took me out to lunch today, We went to 'The Little Restaurant Cul De Sac'. It was an outdoor restaurant down town. I went over all the happenings of Sunday night with her, saved me from texting the information anyway. It was too much to text. this needed live reactions. She had told Sade that she wanted us to get together on Friday evenings after work regularly.

She took me back to work, just in time to see the delivery man with with my package. Tyra nudged me and raised her brows with a smile. I decided I'd save him the trip to my office and went to meet him to sign his clipboard and collect the flowers. There was a note;'Thinking of you'I smiled and took the stairs up to my office. Never again. Man I was unfit. I rolled my eyes trying to catch my breath...I took the day off from work today and decided I'd take Loyalty to the vet, since she was not eating since Sunday. I got up at 8am and got ready then phoned Tyra. She had work and I could't get through to Rob, my Uber, so she told her husband to take me. I tidied up and got Loyalty's stuff to take with me. Lloyd got to me at 10:30am and helped me and Loyalty into his truck, it was pretty high. We started talking up a storm on the way about a lot. He was happy about his unborn child and couldn't wait till he or she, preferably he, was here. I love a man who loved kids, to me it brought out there softer side, just like Tyler. I took my tablet out of my back and turned it on, while waiting for it to load, I looked over the backseat on Loyalty was looking sad. I pat her on the head and blew her a kiss

"Why not have a baby?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me"

"Do you think it's that easy? Just get up one day and have a baby? I think I'll need a partner first"

"Wait, I thought there was a guy. I always hear Tyra going on and on about you too"

"She's such a nut"

"She's your sister"

"And she's your wife"

"Ahh, you got me. So?"

"So what?"

"You get lost very easily, or you do that on purpose?"

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