Chapter 9

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I walked to the front door with a bowl of cereal as I was fussing with my shoes, when I opened it and saw Mrs. Jones, I nearly choked

"Mrs. Jones, good morning"

"Good morning Skye. The other night-"

"Yeah, uhm, about that, I'm not sorry for what I said, but how I said it"

"That's okay, it was quite a shocker though"


She stood there staring at me until I broke the silence by telling her I was getting ready for work. She apologized once more then left. I went into my study for my laptop and folders with my work documents as I finished my breakfast. I head out to put the dish in the kitchen and almost tripped over Loyalty, I gave her her breakfast, then proceeded to finish getting ready. It was about time Sade pulled up in my driveway and I was still running around the house looking for misplaced items for work. She pulled up in three minutes and would not give the horn a break right before she decided to step out. I hated when she did that

"Skye! Would you just come on?!"

"I'm coming, I can't find my work phone"

"Ugh.. You do know you're gonna be late for work right? As well as make me late"

I found the phone and went to get my keys. I blew Loyalty a kiss, stepped pass a now fuming Shade and tossed her the keys and told her to lock up then went into the car


"What about her?"

"When last have you spoken to her?"

"Uhm, before she told me to leave her house"

"That's crap. You need to call her, she needs you now"

What's with everyone telling me Tyra needs me?! If she did she would've stopped acting like a child and reach out. I sighed hard

"I know, I just don't know what to say to her. This is so crazy"

"Damn right it is"

She pulled up at my building in less than thirty minutes and reminded me before I walked away that I needed to call my sister. When I climbed the steps and entered the lobby, Damion greeted me and we took the lift up together

"So, what's happening?"

"Nothing much, I'm alright"

"How was your night?"

"It was good, thanks for asking. How 'bout yours?"

"It was okay"


We didn't say another word to each other on the way up till we got up to the fifth floor. I stopped to check on Selene but she wasn't in as yet. When I got to my office, I took my jacket off and sorted the files to get to Mr. Montgomery, Mrs. Eddie's secretary, to look over for me before she gets in. It wasn't a surprise that as early as the morning was, I'd have to be running to answer the office phone

"Hello, good morning"

"Good morning, I'd like to speak with a Ms. Layne please"

"This is her"

"Ms. Layne, this is Mr. Kyle calling from Kyle & Sons' Car Mart"

"Oh, Mr. Kyle, yes, how may I help"

"The car you had selected is now here"

"Great. When can I come in?"

"Is this afternoon fine?"

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