Chapter 10

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It'd been an entire week and I've heard nothing from Tyler. That was it, I was really tired of trying my best, putting my all in relationships only to end with the shitty end of the damn stick. I rolled my eyes and plopped down in the recliner. I was tired, had tons of paper work and projects to get done in just two days. I went to bed at 3am. I let out a big sigh then got up to close the door and spot Selene by one of the interns' desks and signalled her to come over


"Hi, close the door"

"Are you okay Skye?"

"I have tons of work"

"Have you heard from Tyler"


"You tried calling?"


"Why not"

"I'm figuring he needs space, if he didn't, he would have called. At least to say thanks"

"He's still upset about Sunday"

"Oh. So am I. He didn't tell me Selene"

"I know"

"Oh well, listen, I'm gonna unplug the phone in here right after I've set the calls to your desk"

"If Mrs. Eddie ever knew that's what you do"

"She'd have my head. But, she won't. I trust this will stay between us, plus, I trust you to take the important calls, after all, you're my protege"

She smiled and nodded

"I'm just really tired. Please answer all calls and take messages where necessary. I'm gonna get some shut eye till noon"

"Okay. You can count on me"

I smiled and mouthed 'thank you' then closed the door. I kicked off my shoes at my desk then walked back to the recliner. I opened two of my buttons then sprawled off on my side.
The sun was hot out and I started to feel it full on through my clothes and on my face, since the blinds were open. I barely squinted my eyes when I looked up to close the blinds and glimpsed someone standing at the foot of the recliner. I closed my eyes and took a moment to recollect my surroundings. I remembered Selene had a key, but why would she be watching me sleep? I opened my eyes and gently rubbed them. The person was now standing over me. It was Tyler when I finally came to my senses. He had his hands in his pockets staring at me and behind him, on my desk, I could see the Calla Lilies on my desk and a tall gift bag, the ones you'd put wine in for a gift. I sat up and cleared my throat and he smiled softly

"What're you doing here? And how long were you here for?"

"I came to talk to you. And about ten minutes. I didn't wanna wake you, so I decided I'd wait for it to happen naturally. Selene told me you were tired"


He sat down by my feet and placed his hand on my left leg, then handed me a small box. Another gift

"Thanks. I told you not to do this"

"You're welcome. Shush woman"

I tried to hide my smile. I was still mad, at least, I was trying to be mad at him, but I missed him, so much. I missed them both

"So, what'd you wanna talk to me about?"

"What happened Sunday"

"Hmm... Go ahead"

"Sorry for the way I acted. I was just worried about Mel"

"I know"

I remembered my open buttons and closed them, then reached out for his hand

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