Chapter 14

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"Y'all just nasty!"

"Tyra, you gotta admit, she needed this get away"

"Sure did. They made the most of it"

"Uhm.. Hello? I'm right here guys"

I got up from my desk and walked over to the window by the recliner and looked out across the building tops. It was just 10:30am and and the girls were already on my line. Selene was going to be late today, but I know for a fact that she'd be coming for 'the tea'. I felt refreshed, full of energy. Thank you Tyler. I smiled, and that turned into a small laugh that caught the girls attention

"Wow, Sade, this is not my sister"

I quit smiling immediately and rolled my eyes

"What'd you mean Tyra?"

"It means you're zoning out on our conversations and clearly daydreaming"

"Leave her Tyra, she deserves it"

I let out a giggle

"You sound jealous sis"

"Oh please girl. Get outta here"

"Hmm, whatever you say"

"Yeah, she's jealous cause now someone else has got your attention"

"Psht.. No"

My office phone began to ring so I wrapped up my call and ran to get it on the fourth ring

"Hello, good morning"

Good morning Ms. Layne"

It was Jerome. I rolled my eyes and sat down in my swivel chair and proceeded to power up my desktop

"Yes Mr. Lauren?"

"How're you? You've been ignoring my texts all weekend"

"I know. I've been busy and was out of town"

"Oh, well I'll be hosting an afterwork get together and I wanted to know if you and your girls would be interested in attending"


"Same place I met you. Dana's"

"When is that?"

"It's Thursday. This Thursday"

"Alright, I'll let my girls know what's up"

"Great. I can't wait to see you. I have-"

"Jerome, I'm not single. You know that, right?"

"I do"

"So then, why keep pursuing what you can't have?"

He chuckled, which I must admit was kinda sexy, but my head's screwed on right so...

"I don't like quitting"

"Well then, good for you. Work's calling Jerome"

"Okay Skye. See you Thursday then"

"I didn't commit"

He hung up before I could get that all out. I put the phone down and started my work I had just gotten from Mrs. Eddie. I had no doubt there would've been a lot of work to do, but this much was nearly ridiculous. What were these people doing when I wasn't here? I mean, I had ensured to get a majority of it done before going off. I scoffed and rolled my eyes as Selene barged in

"Hey boss"

"Hey Selene. What the hell happened here on Friday? Why's there so much work to do?"

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