The Final Chapter pt. 1

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"Good evening everyone. Thank you for being here tonight, to celebrate this beautiful day with the bride we all know and love endlessly"

I raised my glass at Sade and smiled at her. She was so beautiful today

"I am Skye, as most of you may already know. Best friend- no, sister of the bride. Sigh. Where do I start? I mean, I don't wanna be here giving a cliche speech- So, here goes. We met each other back home in Jamaica at church. Two little girls, different backgrounds, coming from different walks of life. My mom used to get so upset when we'd sit together in church doing everything but being reverent. We outgrew that stage and we stayed friends, best friends to this day. Sade, I can tell you anything and be so comfortable knowing my secret was safe with you"

The guests listened on as I continued my speech, mentioning stories from the past, both funny and sentimental, the first time I met the groom, Jordan and how I saw the spark as they grew together. Everyone was in awe. I finished my speech with wishes for the future

"And guys, Please don't wait too long to give Jo-Anna a baby brother"

They laughed and I raised my glass once more and took a sip of my wine then handed the mic to the MC for the night. I went back to my seat beside Sade at the head table and looked off into the crowd. Sade had used myself, Tyra and Selene for her maid of honour and bride's maids. Jordan had grown close to Lloyd, but he used  his brothers for his groom's men and best man instead. As I scoped the crowd, my eyes landed on Tyler and Melonie. As soon as they noticed, they smiled and waved and I blew them a kiss. I spun the Emerald-cut Halo engagement ring, with a diamond platinum band around my finger and smiled softly- yes, I said engagement ring-, still looking at Tyler who had noticed what I was doing and mouthed 'I love you' to me. The reception continued till about 10pm. It was a tent reception on the prestigious Royalton grounds and the bridal party were all staying in seperate rooms there for the next two nights.
I wearily walked across the tent and onto the beach where Tyler was waiting for me with Melonie in his arms, fast asleep, poor baby, she played so much today with Jo, I had my heels in one hand  and the bouquet I caught in the next. He met me before I had reached him and we both walked up to our room and placed Melonie in our bed then we both went to take a relaxing bath.
Things were going so great with me and Tyler and I was so happy. After the night of the awards, Jerome texted me for the upcoming week, just twice though. Thanking me again for doing the Awards with him, regardless of the fact that it was a set up. His next text was a little later in the week, one evening I was home and he sent the text to let me know he was leaving the country on a trip with his aunt, some business and leisure in England and that he'd be gone for a while but will never forget me. Well, that was good for him. I finally could free my mind from his prison. Melonie had her fifth Unicorn and rainbow themed birthday party two months after we got back from our trip to the Bahamas, which was one helluva trip! And also, that's when Tyler took it to another level and proposed to me. They say never to do things that you'd regret, but I honestly did regret hurting Tyler the way I did. And so, from then on, I did everything to build back his trust and faith for me.

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