Chapter 17

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"You've reached the voicemail of Tyler. I'm unable to come to the phone right now. Please leave a message and your number and I'll get back to you when I can"

I took a deep breath then wiped a single tear that rolled down my left cheek. That's the thing, I kept leaving messages, but still, no response. This was my tenth call to him in an hour. How? No, why the hell did I mess up so bad?! I dragged myself around my now untidy house, even Loyalty was avoiding me. I went to the kitchen to prepare some Mac & Cheese. It'd been two weeks since I last heard from Tyler. I called him at least twenty times per day, it was pathetic. I called his house, and whenever he answered, he'd pass the phone to Clarice and tell her it was for her. Poor Clarice, he didn't tell her what was happening, so I didn't say anything. I didn't know how Mel was, and that was hurting me inside. Yesterday Mrs. Eddie realized I wasn't my usual self and insisted I stayed home for a few days and she'd just send me important projects via email. I sported pajamas, head wraps and heavy ass bags under my eyes, being home. I looked a mess and couldn't believe our college days were repeating themselves. I emptied the macaroni into the bubbling pot of water then stirred it a little to prevent clump when I heard the doorbell and Loyalty ran from hiding to bark at the visitor. I slowly walked to the door then peeped out the window to see who it was. Great! Jerome. I sighed, rolled my eyes then cracked the door open

"What'd you want?"

"Skye, can I come in?"

"No, what do you want?"

"I've been calling you"

"I've noticed. I blocked you"

"Just tell me what I did"

I turned to the direction of the kitchen when my timer went off, and he used that opportunity to to push the door open and step inside. Loyalty was constantly barking at him and biting his jeans. I didn't care to stop her, he needed to leave. That was his first time coming into my house and I saw him scoping it out. What the hell was he looking for?I pushed pass him and went to the kitchen to drain the pasta, Jerome followed shortly behind

"This is a lovely home"

"Again, why are you here?"

"What'd I do? You haven't spoken to me in two weeks"

I poured the al dente pasta in a deep metal steamer to drain, then put it in a container and added the other ingredients

"Because Jerome, I fucked up"


"By going out with you that night. Fucking you, fucked me up"

I continued to mix my pasta, then took a small bowl and shared some out. I walked back to my spot on the couch, that held a blanket, the remotes and some Kleenex, both used and new. I folded my legs under me and began having my meal. Jerome took a seat beside me and I rolled my eyes

"What happened Skye?"

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I chewed my food. I couldn't help but think back on Tyler and how much I tried to reach out. The tears rolled down and I sniffled then wiped them in the sleeve of my shirt. Jerome tried to hug me, but I pushed him away

"I told you to take me home! Instead, you took me where you wanted to"

"I'm sorry, I felt otherwise, you were saying otherwise"

"I was friggin drunk Jerome!"

"And I took advantage o that fact"

"What if I decided to go to the police, told em I was raped?"

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