Harper Rose

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3 years later.
"Mama." My just turned 2 year old said sticking her head  out of her crib. I checked the clock. It was 3am and there was no light gleaming in to my daughter and I's room.
"What baby?" I said rolling onto my side.
"Dark." I got out of the bed and made my way over to the chipped wooden crib. I picked her up and rocked her in my arms. I kissed her head and laid her on the opposite side of my queen bed. I began to drift off.
"Love you." Harper's voice said tiredly.
"I love you more than the world baby girl."
"Don't you think he deserves to know?"
I poked at my salad and shook my head no.
"He made the choice to leave me. When he left me, he also left our daughter."
My friend Alana had invited me out to lunch. She of course has to bring up the topic of Seth meeting Harper like she always does.
"He didn't know you were pregnant then."
"Alana, I've told you a million times that I don't want him in her life. She can make that decision when she's old enough too. We sat in silence for a few minutes as we both thought over the situation.
"Violet, look at her."
Harper looked up at me with her big, innocent green eyes that Seth had given her.
"Look!" She stick a picture in my face that she had drawn. There were purple & yellow squiggles across the page.
"It's beautiful." I kissed her head.
"She needs a dad. Your dad left when you were 11 & I know how bad that hurt you. Don't make the same mistake with your daughter."
I picked at my nail polish. I knew she was right.  It's not like Seth had left her. He didn't even know about her and I knew if he did know about her he'd be here in an instant.
"I know, but I'm just not ready." My eyes were welling with tears. I scooted my chair back and grabbed my bag. I raised Harper out of her high chair and put her on my hip. I began to walk out the door.
"Violet." Alana said standing up, "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
I kept my face straight knowing that if I turned around I'd burst into tears.
"Sad?" Harper said reaching up and touching a teardrop.
"No, mamas okay baby." I brushed her brunette hair behind her ear. I eventually reached my car and buckled my little girl in her car seat. I pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive home. I then remembered that Harper needed diapers. I pulled into the CVS parking lot and walked in with little harpers hand in my hand. I walked straight to the diaper isle. I picked up the normal brand of diapers I buy. 

"Toys!!!" Harper screamed. She ran to the next aisle that was filled with toys. I ran after my toddler and grabbed her arm so she wouldn't cause too much trouble. 

"Harper Rose, what have I told you about running away from mommy like that." I said sternly. She pouted and began to wail. 

"Harper, sorry mama."  She stuck her thumb in her mouth. I picked her up and began to walk to the register. 

That's when I saw him. The man I never wanted to see again. The man who left my baby and I. The man who ruined my life. The man I wanted to hate, but I couldn't because deep down I knew how much I cared about him. 

Seth Wood. 

He was looking at the candy aisle and didn't notice me trying to rush by. 

"Candy!" Harper Squealed trying to squirm out of my arms. 

Perfect timing, Harper.

"No. Not today." I shook my head at her, "We have ice cream in the freezer."

"Ice cream, Ice cream, Ice cream." She started yelling loudly. 

"Shhhhhh...."  i put my finger over her mouth and rushed over to the counter praying that Seth hadn't heard or seen me. I set the diapers on the counter and passed her a $10 bill. I felt someone approach behind me and I just knew that it was Seth. 

"Keep the change." I grabbed the diapers and headed for the door.

"Vi," I heard the all too familiar voice of the boy I once loved. I ran out to my car and quickly buckled in Harper. I pulled out of the parking lot and backed out. I drove down the road as fast as I could until I knew I was far enough away from the store. 

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