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I laid on my couch eating a whole container of ben and jerry's.

"She's pregnant?!" Alana screeched at the other end of the phone.

"I know!" I groaned, "I was so mad! It's not that he can help her being pregnant and everything, but he could've told me, warned me!!"

"I can't believe that! I'm so sorry Vi. I've gotta go. Garrison is home and we are going out to dinner. We can talk later. Coffee tomorrow?"

"Yes, that sounds wonderful!"

"Okay. See ya."

"See ya."

I heard a loud clang come from the kitchen.

"Harper?" I got up quickly, "Harper Rose Wood you are supposed to be in bed young lady."

When I approached the kitchen Harper was trying to climb up onto a bar stool and get onto the counter to reach candy that I hid on top of the fridge.

"Harper Rose! Get down from there right this instant!" Just as I was about to grab her her feet slipped and her little body went sprawling off the counter. She smacked the ground with her head and blood started flooding the kitchen.

"Oh god. Harper-- oh my god." I rushed to her. She was screaming bloody murder. I took a sigh of relief realizing she hadn't passed out.

"It's okay baby. I'm right here." I sniffled cradling her in my arms. I grabbed a dish rag off the counter and put pressure on her head as I shuffled for my phone from my pocket. I pulled it out and dialed Seth's number.


"Seth-- Harper-- fell and crac--ked her-- head-- open and I-" I was sobbing at this point. So much for trying to stay calm.

"Oh god, okay, calm down. I'm on my way. Get pressure on her head and make sure she stays awake. "

"Okay-- thank you." I hung up and rushed over to the couch, laying Harper on it and placing a blanket over her small body. I continued to hold pressure to her head.

"Mama--Mama--Mama." She sobbed over and over again.

"I know- I know it hurts bubba. Mama's right her sweetie. Right here." I kissed her fingers.

10 minutes later Seth was at my door. Not even bothering to knock he just opened the door and called out to us.

"right here!" he came over to the couch. Seth had gone through a year of training to be a EMT, but then realized it wasn't the right thing for him to do in his life. He kneeled next to Harper.

"Hi sweetheart. I'm going to just take a peak at this. I won't touch it, okay?"

She whined as he took off the washcloth and looked over the wound. Harper wailed in agony. I grasped onto her hand. Her heart was beating so fast and loud. She was terrified!

"We need to go to the ER. She needs stitches."

Tears were stinging at my eyes. I had just calmed myself down, but it was so hard to keep myself together. Watching my baby girl in so much pain broke my heart.

"I'll take her out to the car. Get your stuff and then come out." Seth said to me.

I nodded in understanding and picked up my purse and Harpers diaper bag. I quickly texted my mother and Ivy about what was happening and then I bolted out the door.

Seth has laid Harper in the backseat of his car with a blanket over her. I sat down next to her.

"Keep applying pressure." He spoke calmly, something he had learned to do in medic school.

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