Big Sister

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I kissed Harper on top of her head and pulled the blanket over her body.

"Goodnight big girl." She mumbled something in a sleepy voice. I closed the door and went out to the living room. Seth sat with his head in his hands. I sat next to him cuddled close to him. 

"It's okay. Nobody got hurt. Nothing happened."

"No, but she could've done something. To me, to you, and even worse to Harper."

"Why would you even think that?"

"Because Violet! She didn't break up with me. That's a big fat lie. I broke up with her, and when I did she begged for me, tried to guilt me in to staying with her. When I told her I couldn't stay with her any longer she lost it. She became someone I had never seen before. She screamed at me and threatened me. That if I left her I would regret it for the rest of my life. I knew I had to get out of there. I threw my things into a bag as fast as I could. When I was just about to leave she grabbed my hand and pulled me back. She told me that if I ever told anyone that I broke up with her she would hurt me, and even worse she would hurt Harper. It was terrible Vi, terrible. She slapped me and spit in my face and then pushed me out the door." He was sobbing. 

"Seth, my love. I'm so sorry. It's okay." I grabbed his face in my hands and wiped the tears away. 

"I should've never left you, Violet. I will never be able to live that down. You were the best thing that had ever happened to me and I threw it away." 

"But we are here now. And I'm never gonna leave you. This is our family, our beautiful, wonderful, and amazing family."

He nodded and kissed me on the cheek. 

"I love you, Vi."

"I love you too." I rested my forehead against his. 

3 months later... (Had to skip ahead was getting tedious lol) 

4 months. I'm 4 months today. I feel fat to say the least, but also happy. Happy that I get to have this little baby in me. 

Harper has started to ask why her mommy is getting fat. I don't think I've officially told her yet.  I don't even know if she'll understand when I do. We haven't told any of our family either. I can still hide it with baggy clothes and tshirt dresses, but not for much longer. I need to tell them. I have to tell them. I don't know if they will be supportive or horrified, but either way I have to tell them. 

Seth and I were officially official now. Our relationship was going so well. Better than it had in high school. I was so happy with him! My mom still wasn't fond of the idea, but everyone else was totally on board. 

Seth had got a restraining order against Amanda. It covered Harper too, which made me feel safer. Dallas had called me a month ago and told me he was headed to New York. He said he was sorry for any pain he had put me through and that he would stay away from me, on one condition. Once the baby is born, I get a genetic test. When the results come back I will send him a copy of them. And if this baby is his, that he will get to be a part of their life. I really wanted to never see Dallas again, but if the baby was his, then I had to let him be a part of his or her life. 

"Ready?" Seth asked me. I nodded yes and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. 

"It'll be okay!" He kissed my head. 

"I know." I grinned a fake smile at him. He went over to Harper and helped slip on her shoes. 

When we arrived at Seth's parents house a wave of memories hit me. Seth and I had spent a lot of time here in our teen years. 

"Look!" I said pointing to a big rock Seth and I had painted. It was an anniversary present for his parents. 

Seth laughed. "Why did you let me paint the words? My handwriting is so messy!"

I giggled, " Because it's your parents silly." 

We pulled up to the house and got Harper out of the car. I was still wearing a big sweater to cover my bump. Hopefully nobody would notice before I could tell them. We rang the doorbell of the big door and Misty opened it with a huge smile on her face. She embraced us both and let us in. My family had already arrived. Harper ran over to my brother and sat on his lap. 

"Dinner's ready whenever!" Alan called from the kitchen. He had a apron on that read "Grill Master". He had had that apron for as long as I could remember. He loved that thing! 

Everyone got up from their chairs and we went to the dining room. We all sat around the long table. Misty had gotten her sons highchair from when they were little out. I sat Harper in it and placed her food on the tray. She was almost too big for it.

"Stop growing up so fast pumpkin." I said ruffling her hair. 

Everybody ate and chatted about various things. Seth gave me a look and an encouraging nod. I knew what I had to do. 

I cleared my throat. "Seth and I have something to tell you guys."

They all silenced and looked towards us. I was so nervous. 

"I'm- well, I'm pregnant..." 

Shock overtook everyone's face. I'm pretty sure I heard a fork drop onto a plate. After a few seconds of silence everybody began to ask questions. 

"You're kidding?" Zayden said. 

"No, not kidding."

"Oh, Allan! Another grandbaby! It's perfect!" Misty exclaimed. 

"Is it a boy or girl?" Chase asked me. 

"We don't know yet." 

"How far along are you?" Ivy asked me. 

"4 months..." I nodded. 

"Can I babysit?" Zach asked me. 

"Of course!"

"Is Seth the father?" My mother said with a straight face. Silence overtook the room again and everyone turned to look at me. Seth placed his hand in mine and squeezed it. 

"Yes, mother, Seth is the father." I plastered an annoyed smile on my face. 

A little white lie didn't hurt anyone. Besides, it wasn't technically a lie. Either way the genetic testing came back, I knew Seth would always have a father role in this baby's life. 

I answered probably a million more questions. 

"Did you hear that Harper? Mama's having a baby!" Seth tickled her cheek. 

"Baby?" She asked me. 

"Ya! You're going to be a big sister!"

She squealed and kicked her feet back in forth. 

"I can take care of it!" She pointed at herself. 

"You can help." I giggled. 

The night ended with a mostly happy audience. My mother still was questioning me. She was disappointed in me, I could tell. 

But she can't blame me. She had four pregnancies with a douchebag. 

She can't blame me. 

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