Wedding Bells

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The sun creeped through the shades on my window. I brushed my hair out of my face and squinted my eyes at the sun. I yawned and got out of bed. I picked up my phone. There was 5 missed calls from Dallas. Nothing from Seth, yet. It kinda broke my heart that he hadn't even tried to reach out to me or his daughter. I sighed and walked across the hallway to Harper's room. She was sleeping with her butt up in the air. Her thumb was in her mouth, but it was falling out. I rubbed her back and she squirmed. She whined and pulled her blankie over her eyes.

"Come on sweetie let's get up now. Mamaw is coming over in a little bit." I grinned knowing that would get her to get out of bed. She loved her grandma.

"Mamaw?" She piped up.


She sat up and slowly got out of bed. I unzipped her pajamas and picked out a blue sweatshirt and jeans for her to wear. She refused to put on her pants so I left her in a diaper. If Seth was here he probably would've told me to put her in something a little nicer. I don't think he understands what having a toddler is like yet. Sometimes you can't even get clothes on them so even a sweatshirt and diaper are a victory. Besides it's not like she's going to see the Queen of England...She's seeing her grandmother.
The doorbell rang and I opened it. Harper ran up behind me to see who was at the door.
"Mamaw!" Harper squealed. My mother kneeled down and drowned my toddler with hugs and kisses. 

"I've missed you pumpkin." My mother grinned at my daughter. She stood up from the ground and embraced me in a long, motherly hug. 

"How are you my beautiful darling?" 

"I'm okay. Just wish things wouldn't have gone off the rockers Yesterday." I had called my mom last night, crying telling her everything that had just happened to me. Even if you are a grown adult you will always need your mama.

"I'm sorry my love. Grown men should never act like that, especially around a toddler." 

My mom always gave me boy advice. She never wanted me to end up with a low life guy like my dad was, but I was afraid I hadn't hit the jackpot when I picked out Seth as my boyfriend in 9th grade.

"What if Harper stays the night with me tonight? It can give you some time to finish unpacking and to get your thoughts together." My mom winked at me. 

I almost said no, Harper rarely stayed the night anywhere without me, but she was getting close to being three and she needed to get out of her shell and get detached from my hip. She would be going to preschool before I knew it and I didn't want to leave the teachers a sobbing monster.

"That'd actually be really good, if it's fine with you." 

"Of course it's fine with me! Harper, do you want to stay the night at Mamaw's house?"

Harper's face lit up with excitement. 

"Ya, ya, ya! Mamaw's house!"

My mom had a swingset which is the main reason why Harper loves her house so much. 

"Let me get her a bag packed real quick. Can you keep her company?"

"Of course." My mother took Harper over to where her toys where and occupied her with Barbie dolls. I went into Harper's closet and threw a bag together with clothes, diapers, her favorite bedtime book, PJ's, some stuffed animals, a pacifier (just in case), and some other bare necessities. I then wrote out my daughters bedtime routine on a piece of notebook paper. It's important for young children to stay on a schedule. I went back into the living room and handed my mom all of Harper's things. 

"Okay, Harper you're going to go to mamaw's tonight. I want you to listen to mamaw and be very good okay?"

"Yes mama." She wrapped her tiny hands around my neck and kissed me on the cheek. 

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