Date Night

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"How many more secrets are you going to keep from me Seth?" I held his phone up with my hand.

"Violet, I don't know what you're talking about.." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh and now you're going to lie to me? One night you can tell me you love me and the next you are going out on a date with somebody you met on tinder! You have no heart!" I screamed at him. I'm lucky we had dropped Harper off at Seth's parents house for a sleepover.

"Violet," He finished pulling his shoe on, " I can have a life, ya know? I can go out on dates."

"Not when you told a girl, more specifically the mother of your daughter, that you loved her LAST NIGHT."

He brushed passed me and grabbed his wallet and keys.

"See ya later." He walked to the door.

"Go to hell."

"I'll see you there." He waved his hand over his head. As soon as the door shut I collapsed on the ground in tears.

He said he loved me. How could he do this?

I wiped away the mascara from my eyes and decided I wasn't going to be a crybaby. I picked up my phone and dialed Dallas' number.

Two can play at this game.

"Hello?" Dallas' confused voice spoke on the other side of the phone.

"Hey, it's me Violet."

"Ya, I know. Why are you calling me?" He chuckled.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?"

I tapped my fingers on the table as I waited for his response.

"You mean, like on a date?" He asked.


"Sure! I'll pick you up in a hour. 630 sharp!"

"Okay! See you soon!" The line beeped and I jumped up from chair to get ready. I was excited! It'd been a minute since I had gone on an 'official' date.

I picked out a floral sundress and put it on. I did my makeup lightly and braided my hair back.

My phone beeped. I picked it up. It was a text message from my mom. She has attached a picture of Harper. Harper was holding a chocolate ice cream cone out in front of her. The ice cream was all over her mouth. She smiled big at the camera. I grinned at the picture and sent a heart emoji back to my mother.

The door bell rang. I approached the door and opened it. Dallas stood there with a bouquet of flowers.

"Oh my gosh Dallas! You didn't have to bring me flowers!" I squealed.

"I know!"

I gave him a hug. I put water in a vase and set the flowers in them. I put them in the middle of the kitchen table.


I shook my head yes in response.

He led me out to his car and opened the door for me. Seth never did such a thing.

On the way there, Dallas and I jammed to 80s music.

"So, where are we going?"

"Italy's Finest."

Italy's Finest was a mega expensive Italian restaurant.

"Dallas...I don't have the money for that." I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck.

"Violet, It's called a date. I pay."  He grabbed my hand from my lap and held it until we got to our destination.

A hostess sat us at our table and we ordered almost immediately after.

"How are things?" He asked

"You mean with Seth?" I grinned knowing the true meaning behind his question.

"Well, ya. I guess."

I sighed. "I don't even know if I'm being honest. Last night he told me he was sorry and loved me, and then tonight he went off on some Tinder date. I know it shouldn't matter to me. Because I'm not in love with him anymore...." My voice trailed off. I honestly didn't know if that was the truth or not. 

"No, I get it. I'd be hurt too. I'm sorry Violet. That really sucks. You don't deserve that."

"You're right, I don't, but Harper deserves to have her father in her life. So, I just have to stick with it."

"But you don't have to live with him. You could get your own place and co parent."

"There's no way I could afford that at this time. Maybe in couple months though. Hopefully." He shook his head in understanding. 

15 minutes late our food was brought out. We ate our food and told funny stories from high school. Dallas paid the bill and then helped me up from my seat.

"Want to go back to my place for a little bit?" He asked.

"Sure." I smiled at him. 

He drove us back to his house. It was a small 2 bedroom house, very cute. He opened the car door for me and we walked up to his front door.

"Take a seat. I'll get some drinks. Wine okay?"

I shook my head yes. I looked around the room. Picture frames lined the wall. Family pictures of his parents, sister, her six kids, and other various people. 

He walked back in and handed me a glass of red wine. I sipped at it. He sat opposite from me on the leather couch. 

"So, do you wanna do this again? Another date?" 

"Ya! I'd love too." I sat my wine cup down on the coffee table. 

"Seriously though. Because I don't wanna push you out of your comfort zone if your not ready."

"Dallas," I traced my fingers over his sharp jawline, "I want this. I want you."

He put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in. Our lips crashed against each other. 

Let's just say one thing led to another. And the date ended with me naked in his bed. 

Hey guys! Sorry it has been SO long since I last updated. My summer was jam packed full and I only got to work on the story a little bit. School is now back in session and I'm much more motivated to work on this story :)

Thank you guys so much for overwhelming amount of support! I am so grateful and excited that you guys love my book as much as I do!

Also, a HUGE thank you to @mahgadahling for making my new book cover! I'm in love with it!

So, what did you think of this chapter? How will Dallas and Violet's story unwind? Are you team Seth, or Team Dallas. And what about this Liam guy from a few chapters back?

Love you all!



Youtube: Jodi Lovinglife  (My youtube channel is something I'm very passionate about! So, if you like my content on here maybe check out my content on my channel! & subscribe while you're at it!)

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Twitter: Jodiimarlene

VSCO: okjodi

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