No Matter What

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"Now, when I start to count, I want you to take and deep breath and push, okay?"

I nodded my head yes. I was absolutely terrified. Seth stood next to the hospital bed. The pushing began. It was painful and tiring. After 10 seconds of pushing I was able to rest. Seth gave me a sip of water.

"Okay, we're going to go again."

"I can't." I whined.

"Yes you can, Vi. You've got this baby!"

With Seth's words of encouragement I went through another 8 sections of pushing.

"I can see their head!" Seth exclaimed. I squeezed his hand.

"One or two more pushes." The nurse calmly said.

The next thing I knew the wails of a newborn baby filled the room.

"It's a boy!" The doctor called out.

"It's a boy!" Seth leaned down and kissed me.

It's a boy! I can't believe it. We had a son! A beautiful baby son.

Tears fell from my eyes. Seth was crying too. Our baby boy was wrapped in a blanket and sat on my chest while they cleaned me up. I held him close to my chest and kissed his head. Seth stood next to me and ran his fingertips over our son's full head of dirty blonde hair.

"Shh- shh. Momma's here." I spoke into his ear.

The nurses took him from me again to clean him up,weigh him, and everything else. Seth stood by watching in awe.

"Good job Violet!" The doctor said.

I smiled not being able to form words. This was everything I had dreamed of. Everything was falling into place.


Milo is now 3 hours old. My mom is bringing Harper over to see Milo. I hope she has a good reaction to him.

The door opened and Harper ran in with my mother. She had a balloon in her hand.

"Is that my baby?" She asked.

"Yes, it's your baby brother!"

My mother gasped at the reveal of the gender. We all thought it was going to be a girl so it was a real shock. Harper climbed up on the bed.

"Gentle Harper. Mommy is sore."

Harper gazed down at her brother. Her eyes were big with shock and excitement.

"Do you want to hold him?" I asked Harper. She nodded her head yes. Seth sat on the couch and Harper jumped on his lap. My mother took the baby and placed him gently in Harper's arms.

"He's cute, huh?" Seth asked her.

"Uh-huh." She nodded her head. She then leaned down and kissed him on the top of the head. My heart melted.

"Love you bubby." She said. Tears began to fall again. I loved my kids so much.

My mom came and sat on the edge of the bed.

"So, what's his name?" She patted my leg.

"Milo Cam Wood. Cam after Baby Camille."

"I love it." My mom smiled at me. It was nice to have my mom finally supporting me.

1 week later...

Milo began to scream. I put the pillow over my head and groaned.

"I'll get him." Seth said rubbing my back.

"Thank you."

I forgot how hard it was to have a newborn. Seth leaned over and picked Milo up from the bassinet. He cradled him.

"Shh- you're okay bubba."

I fell back asleep knowing my son was safe in Seth's arms.

The next morning...

"Violet." Seth gently shook my shoulder.

"Huh?" I fluttered my eyes open.

"Here." He handed me a tray with breaktfast.

"Awh your're the sweetest."

I stuffed my face with pancakes and eggs.

"What time is it?"


"Crap! We have a doctors appointment at noon!"

"I know," he laughed, "My mom came and picked up Harper already and I already fed Milo a bottle."

"Thank you, Seth."

I finished my food and got up to get dressed. That's when the nervousness hit me. This doctor appointment was when we would find out who the father was. If it isn't Seth I don't know what I will do. I know that no matter what Seth is Milo's father and he always will be. No matter what.

The ride there was silent. The car filled with tense vibes. Milo slept soundly in his car seat in the back. My put my hand up to my red face and rubbed my temple.

"Violet. It's okay. Everything is going to be okay." He grabbed my hand and pressed his lips against it.

We arrived at our destination. Every step I took I though my weak knees would give out. I steadied myself on Seth's arm.

"You're okay, Vi. You're okay. I've got you."

He opened the door to the doctors office and we walked to the front desk.

"Milo Wood." I said.

"We will have him right back." The friendly receptionist smiled.

"Thank you."

Sure enough 5 mins later the door swung open and Milo's name was called. Seth and I walked back hand in hand. We took a seat in an office. Milo began to whine. I rocked his car seat with my foot.

"Okay," the doctor spoke, "So, you're here for the genetic testing of Milo C. Wood. Is that correct?"


"Okay. So we have DNA from both Male #1 & Male #2. Milo's results came back with a clear answer. Milo's DNA matches up with Male #2."

I grabbed Seth's hand.

"And who is Male #2?" Seth asked.

"Let's see...uhhh yes. Male #2 is named Dallas Wesley."

No matter what, no matter what.

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