Certified Babysitter

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"Hey Violet, what's up?" Alana's voice on the other side of the phone said. 

"I need someone to watch Harper later today. I have a job interview!" 

"Really? Where at? Are you leaving your other job?"

"Yes, it's a position at another photography shop. It has better pay than my current position and I need to bring in a little more cash now that I'm helping pay rent on this house." 

"That's awesome, Violet! I'm really sorry, but I already have plans with Garrett tonight."

"That's okay. I'll call Ivy." 

"Okay. I'll to you later."

"See ya."

The phone beeped in my ear and I immediately dialed Ivy's number.


"Hey, how you feeling?"

"Besides being pregnant?" we both giggled.

"I'm doing okay. Whatcha need?"

"I hate to ask this because you're probably very busy with getting ready for the baby, but I need someone to watch Harper. Any chance you could babysit today?"

There was a silence.

"I'm sorry Violet, I really wish I could. I'm on my way with Keith to his parents house."

"It's okay! Have fun. Love you, bye."

"Bye, love you too."

The phone beeped. 

I put my hand on my temple. I'd got the call Yesterday morning about the interview. I wish they would've told me sooner so I could find a sitter. I didn't know who else to call. I had tried my mom and Chase. They were both sick. I tried Alana and Ivy. They were both busy. Seth was at work. I didn't really have any other friends, besides....Dallas?? 

I pulled open my phone and called Dallas.

"Hello? Violet?"

"Hey. So I have a favor to ask you?"

"Okayyyyy. What's up?"

"I need someone to watch Harper. I have a job interview and I've called everyone I can think of except for you. Can you come over to my house and watch her for awhile? I'll pay you!"

"Sure, I can do that. You don't need to pay me! I'd be happy to watch her!"

"Thank you so much! You know my address right? I sent it to you when you helped me move?" 

"Yup! I've got it in my phone."

"Okay, can you be here in a half an hour?" 


"Thank you so much!"

"Don't worry about it! I'll see ya soon."

"See ya."

I set down my phone on the dining room table and got up to go wake up Harper. I walked into her room and sat at the edge of her toddler bed. I rubbed her back.

"Hi baby. It's time to get up."

She squirmed and rolled over. 

"We have a friend coming over!" I raised my eyebrows knowing she'd respond to that. She loves meeting new people. 

"Friend?" She popped right up. Her hair was a mess on the top of her head and her eyes were red.

"Come on, let's get dressed!" She got off her bed and I picked out a pair of leggings and a t-shirt with a strawberry on them. I got her dressed and brushed out her light brown locks. I got myself ready for the interview. I gave her some blueberries and sat her on the couch and turned on Dora so I could get ready. 

I slipped on a long black skirt and a white blouse with a cardigan. I threw my hair up into a bun and did a natural makeup look, finishing with a pair of flats. 

I sat next  to Harper on the couch as she terribly explained to me what was going on in the episode. 

Ten minutes later the doorbell rang and I hopped up. I opened the door and let Dallas in.

"Hey, how are you!" He gave me a huge hug. I could smell the smell of colonge on him he squeezed me so tight. 

"I'm okay. I'm kinda nervous about this interview, but I'm sure I'll be just fine!" I grinned a fake grin because the truth is that the nervousness is eating me up. 

"What's the interview for?" 

"It's at a local photography shop. I'm a photographer. It's a higher pay than I'm getting right now."

"That's really awesome Violet! You'll get it for sure!" 

"Thanks, it means a lot."

Harper finally unglued her eyes from the T.V. to see who was talking. She ran over to me.

"Who dis?" She asked placing a thumb in her mouth. I kneeled down to her level.

"Harper, this is Dallas. He's going to be watching you today and I want you to be very good, okay?" 

"Otay. Hi Dalwas."

"Hello, Harper! It's so good to finally meet you." 

"Ya." She giggled and ran back over to the couch. 

"So, I left of list of numbers you can call in case of an emergency on the table. There's some mac and cheese in the cabinet if you don't mind making that for her lunch. Her pull ups and wipes are on the couch, you know how to change a diaper, right?" My heart dropped as I realized that I didn't know how qualified he was for this "job".

"Of course I do!" he laughed at my facial expression, "My older sister has 6 kids and one on the way. Let's just say I'm a pretty certified babysitter." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Okay, good. I don't think you need to know anything else. I'll be home for dinner so you don't need to feed her. Seth shouldn't be home till 7:00pm, so I think we're all good."

I walked over to the couch and kissed Harper on the head.

"You gonna be alright Rosie Posie?" 

"Ya mommy." She pushed me out of the way so she could see the T.V. screen.

"She'll be fine, mama." Dallas said patting my back.

"I know. It's not that I don't trust you, I've only ever left her with family members or my best friend. I just hope she does okay with somebody that's a stranger to her."

"I understand, but I assure everything will be just fine. I'll make sure to take good care of her."

"Okay." I spoke unsteadily, "Well I'll see you guys later. Be good Harper, okay?"

"Yesss mommma." I could practically here the annoyance in her voice. I rolled my eyes at my sassy toddler.

"Bye." I gave Dallas another friendly hug and left the house. 

Before I pulled out of the drive I saw the front door creak open. Dallas was standing there holding Harper on his hip. He whispered something into her ear and she giggled. They then both waved goodbye to me. I blew them a kiss.

Harper was in good hands, at least that's one thing I didn't have to worry about. 

Author's note:

Sorry for the short chapter. This is just a filler chapter to keep you guys interested in my book :D

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