Happily Ever After?

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I sat in our driveway with the music still playing softly. I didn't want to go in and face both Dallas and Seth at the same time. I know I messed up big time and I hate having to face my mistakes, but I knew what I had to do. I took my keys our of the ignition and got out of the car. I took my time getting to the front door, going over in my head what I might say. As soon as I reached the front door Seth swung it open. Harper ran out from behind his legs and into my arms.

"Mommy!!!" she squealed. I knelt down and embraced her in a long hug. I kissed her head. 

"Hi baby! Were you good?"

"Uh-uh!" She had her arms around my neck. I stood up and placed her on my hip.  I walked into the house and Seth shut the door behind him. Dallas sat on the couch with a frusturated look on his face.  All eyes were on me, waiting for me to explain myself.

" I didn't mean  for this to happen.  I  just wanted to go to this job interview so bad! I didn't know what to do with Harper. Dallas was my last hope! What was I supposed to do?"

"I just wish you would've told me! We could've worked something out! Instead, I came home to some dingbat taking care of our daughter!"

I swear I could almost hear Dallas rolling his eyes at Seth's snarky comment.

"Seth, she's fine! Look at her?" Harper was running her hands through my hair and singing a made up song. Seth stared at her.  

Dallas got up from where he was sitting, breaking the silence, "I just think your jealous."

"What?" Seth said in disbelief. 

"We all know you still have feeling for Violet. It's obvious! You're jealous that she's spending time with other guys and you can't even keep a girl for 5 minutes."

"Dallas!" I gasped in shock. I had never seen this side of him. I could see Seth's hands turning into fists at his sides. 

"You know it's true Violet." 

I stood there in shock. I didn't know what to do. I tried to get some words out of me, but I got choked up at the tears at my eyes. 

"Really?" Seth scoffed, "Well, the only girl you can get is my sloppy seconds." 

My mouth dropped and tears began to fall down my cheeks. How could Seth even say something like that? Is that all he thought of me as, his sloppy seconds? Before I could do anything Seth's fist went flying towards Dallas. It hit his cheek and blood splattered. I screamed in terror. Harper began to cry. I put Harper down on the couch and ran over to the boys.

"Stop it! Both of you! What the hell are you doing? Fighting over me!? Really! There is a little two year old girl in here who just saw her father punch her babysitter, two people she cares about! I suggest you both get your crap together before either of you step foot in this house again! Now, get the heck out of this house!"

Dallas began to walk towards the door. I expected Seth to say something in his defense, but he did the same as Dallas. They both left the home without another word. 

I grabbed a wet towel and dabbed the small amount of blood on the carpet. I sniffled and rubbed my hand over my nose. I tried to stay as calm as possible for Harper. I walked back over to her. She was pouting on the couch. Tears were welling in her eyes. She looked terrified, I don't blame her, I'm scared too. 

"Let's get you in the bath sweetheart?"

"Otay." She sniffled. I picked her up and sat her on the carpet in the bathroom as I ran her water. I gave her a rubber ducky to play with as I went to her room and picked out a princess sleeper and I ran the luke warm water into the tub. 

I bathed her and told silly stories about superheros and castles to try and get her mind off the traumatic event that had just taken place in our living room. At half past 7 she yawned. I drained the water and dried her off. I slipped on her warm and fuzzy PJ's and we went into her room.

"Read this book?" She asked holding up a Dora The Explorer book to me. 

"Sure, honey." She got all cozy in her bed and I began to read the book to her. Half way through she began to doze off. 

"And they all lived happily ever after...." I kissed her head, "And we will too, with or without daddy."


Thank you for all the love and support! I'm so overwhelmed at the little attention this book is getting! I know it's not my greatest work, but I'm trying to improve as I keep on writing! 

Do you think Seth will come back? Will Violet fall back in love with Seth or grow her relationship with Dallas? Who will be the father figure to Harper? Make sure to add my book to your library to find out!

Also, what do you think of the new Wattpad logo lol? I kinda like it....kinda.

Thanks for reading!


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