Drunken Slumber

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My phone rang. The number was unknown. I slid yes and answered it.


"Hello, Ms. Cameron. It's Josh Hudson."

I took a nervous breath.

"Hello Josh. How are you?"

"I'm doing pretty good, how about yourself?"

"I'm okay." My mouth felt dry, like I could hardly speak. I needed this job more than anything in my life right now. 

"Well, I was just calling you to inform you that you got job! You will start training on Monday."

I took a sigh of relief.

"Oh my goodness! Thank you so much Josh! I'm looking forward to working with you."

"As am I, Violet. Tell Seth hi for me! I will see you on Monday."

"Thank you again! See you soon!"

I hung up the phone and squealed very loudly. Good thing I'm the only one home! I looked at the clock on the wall. It was 7pm. I was bored. I'd been sitting here all day waiting for Seth to get home so we could talk, but no one had come through the door yet. Harper was still at my Mom's and Alana was already busying herself with Wedding plans. Ivy was getting close to popping out a baby and Chase probably doesn't want to hang out with his old sister. I sighed. I need more friends. 

I planted my feet on the ground and walked into my bedroom. I couldn't remember the last time I had nothing to do. Ever since Harper was born my life had been jam packed full. Trying to balance and maintain a healthy lifestyle while being a single mom to a young kid is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. 

I thought about what I could do. An idea came into my mind. 

"Maybe I could go to a club?" I thought to myself. But was that too childish and immature for a mother? Was I way past the partying age? Surely not. 23 isn't that old. 

I swung open the closet door and reached to the back of my closet. I pulled out a tight skirt that had criss crosses down the side revealing a little bit of skin. I also pulled out a see through, lacy, long sleeve top and a super cute bralette to go under it. 

I did my make up, going a little above and beyond than I usually do. I straightened my hair and slipped on my heels. I looked in my full length mirror. 

I can't deny it, I look hot. I grabbed my purse, making sure I had my I.D. because I look like a 16 year old trying to sneak into a club. 

I got in my car and drove over to the nearest and most popular club. I felt like I was a teenager again getting excited over a stupid party. 

When I got to the club and got out and walked over to the door. The bouncer asked for my I.D. and I handed it to him. He checked everything and nodded at me to go in. I walked into the pounding sound of music. I walked over to the bar and sat down. I ordered a drink. I just sat there. I'm not sure what I was waiting on. I'd never been to a club alone before, so this was sorta awkward. The bartender handed me a drink and I took a sip of it. The strawberry flavor exploded into my mouth as I gazed across the dance floor. There was at least a hundred people packed on to it. They were dancing and swaying to the music. There were couples making out in the corners of the club. Whether they were really together or it was just a one night fling, I didn't know. No one seemed to notice me sitting at the bar by myself, which in a way I was thankful for. I've had a plenty of boys approach me before just trying to get into my pants. It was like I was in my own little, invisible world over at the bar and I'm kind of loving it!

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