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After a brutal and busy day at work, it was nice to finally be pulling into my driveway. I parked the car and walked up to the door. I opened it and the smell of freshly cooked food filled my nose. I walked in and saw Seth in the kitchen cooking up something with my frilly apron around his waist. There was music playing and he was dancing along. 

"Hello." I giggled. He turned around and looked at me. He shut the music off.

"Oh, Hi." His face flushed red. I giggled at him.

"What are you cooking?" 

"Spaghetti and garlic bread." He turned around and began stirring with a spoon.

"Sounds good!" I exclaimed, " Is Harper already asleep?" 

"Yup! She fell asleep around 7:30." 

I nodded my head and slipped off my shoes. 

"The food should be ready in about 10 minutes." Seth said.

"Okay." I walked into my bedroom and changed into some pajama shorts and a sweat shirt. I got out my laptop and slipped the SD card into it so I could edit Ivy's photos for her. I picked out the best quality one and put filters on them. I came across the picture of Harper and Seth with baby Matthew. I smiled at my little family. I made sure to print an extra copy of that picture. Seth eventually called me for dinner. I came out of the bedroom. The table had plates and food laid out on it. 

"Wow, Seth you really out did yourself! Thank you!"

"It's the least I could do!" 

I sat at the table and began to shovel the noodles in my mouth. I told Seth about my day at work and he told me about his. He told me how good Harper had done at daycare today. The teacher had complimented her behaviour. My heart swelled with mom pride. 

Then there was an awkward silence. 

"So...are we gonna talk about it?" Seth asked me.

"About what?" I asked.

"I don't know...Me. You. Us?" 

I sighed.

"I don't know...I don't know what we are." I dropped my fork on the plate. 


I ducked my head and looked at my half eaten plate. 

"Violet..." He whispered again. 

I tilted my head upwards to his eyes. 

"I know what I did was terrible. I know that I don't deserve your forgiveness. But I want you to know that I love you and I never stopped loving you, once."

My eyes welled with tears. This was what I was of scared of when I moved in with him. I didn't want to fall back in love with him. I didn't want to be hurt again. 

"Seth-I I don't know what to say."

He reached across the table and grabbed my hand.

"It's okay. You don't have to say anything." He gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded. 

"Just promise me one thing." He said, " That I won't lose you. I've already lost two babies in my life, don't make me lose you or my only living baby. Please, I'm begging you."

"I promise." My shaky voice spoke. Tears were flowing down Seth's face. I brought my thumb up to his cheek and brushed a tear away. 

"I promise." 

Hey guys! This is another short, filler chapter! I wanted to update for you guys since it's been awhile! (oops)

Summer is almost here for me! I have a super busy summer, but I'll try to write some for you guys. 

Thank you for your support! 


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