Maid of Honor

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2 months later...

Having to be a maid of honor while 6 months pregnant isn't a fun thing to do. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm so happy for Alana and I'm so excited to be standing by her as she marries the love of her life, but let me tell you, this is hell. I've been on my feet for the past two hours trying to help Alana get ready as much as possible. She has gotten her hair and makeup on, but was yet to put on the dress. When it was finally my turn to get hair and makeup, I collapsed into the chair, exhausted. 

The friendly lady curled my long brown hair. The curls fell at my shoulders. All the other bridesmaids stood around giddily talking. Alana didn't want a big wedding. She only had three other bridesmaids. Her friend Haylee from her work, our childhood best friend Olivia, and her younger sister, Aria. 

As the lady finished up my lipstick, the door swung open. Harper came running in with a white wicker basket in her hands. She was going to be the flower girl. She was wearing a lilac dress with white butterflies throughout her hair. She looked so adorable.

"Mommy!" she ran over to me. She had grown and matured so much in the past 2 months. 

"You look like a princess, mama!" She pointed at my hair. My heart melted.

"Thank you, Harper, but I think you're the only princess here." I winked at her. She giggled and then ran over to Aria. Aria worked at the daycare we had started to bring Harper to, and she adored Aria.

"I'll watch her while you get dressed." Aria said. 

"Thank you." 

I got up from the chair and went to the clothing rack. I picked out the dress with my name on it. I was so hoping it would fit. We knew I was going to be 6 months pregnant when we picked out the dresses so, we ordered three sizes up. Better bigger than smaller. I went back into the bathroom, Olivia followed me so she could help me zip up the dress. I slipped on the stunning gown. It was the same lilac color as Harper's. It had jewels on the strap. Olivia easily zipped it up with no problem. I let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness! 

When we got back out to the main area Alana had just come out from putting her gown on. Aria and Haylee were gushing over her. Harper stood staring up at her in awe. I rushed over with a huge smile on my face. We had gone with her to pick out the dress, but it was even more beautiful now that it was actually her wedding day. Tears began to fall down my cheeks. I fanned at them because I didn't want to ruin my makeup. 

"Violet!" Alana said, "Don't cry." She wrapped her arms around me. 

"I'm sorry. It's these stupid pregnancy hormones."

Alana wiped her thumbs under my eyes. Someone immediately ran over and gave her a paper towel to wipe her hands on. 

"Soon enough, this will be you." She grabbed my hands. 

"We'll see about that." I giggled. 

For the next hour we all finished getting ready. Somebody came and told us it was time to walk down the aisle. We all lined up in the order that we had practiced. I was walking down the aisle with Garrison's best man. His name was Spencer. We had gone to high school together so it wasn't too awkward. Harper stood behind me in the line. I knelt down next to her and kissed her on the head.

"Be good, and do what we practiced, okay?"

She nodded her head excitedly. 

I turned back to Alana and gave her one last big hug. 

"I love you so much Alana Lance." I said using her maiden name one last time. 

"I love you too." She backed away from me and held on to my shoulder, "Thank you, for everything."

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