Oh Baby!

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  I sat Harper on the ground in the doorway of our house. There was a bit of blood on her light pink tshirt. 

"Seth!" I called out, "Can you please put Harper in the bath?" 

I walked over to his room, still cupping my bloodied face in my hands. 

"Seth please!" 

He came out of his room. 

"Oh god, Violet! What happened to you!" He put an arm around my shoulder and tried to lead me into the bathroom.

"No, I'm fine, please take care of Harper." 

He looked down at Harper who was sobbing at our feet. 

"Come on pumpkin." He whispered soothing words into her ear and started a bath. I stumbled to the other bathroom and washed my face. My lip was so swollen and my nose was already turning a light shade of purple. I eventually got the bleeding to stop and changed into an oversized tshirt. I grabbed a bag of peas from the fridge and put it on my lip. 

A few minutes later Seth came out into the living room. 

"I got Harper all cleaned up and she's taking her nap now. I put her clothes in the washer too." 

"Thank you." I whispered.

There was an awkward silence.


"So what?" I asked.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" 

"I don't want you to get angry." I responded.

He sighed. "I won't... I promise." 

"I took Harper to breakfast and Lillian Hamilton was out waitress. I said some things I know I shouldn't have and she punched me...as you can see. It's really no big deal."

His fists were clenched at his side and his face was bright red. 

"Seth...you promised you wouldn't get angry." I reminded him.

He unclenched his fists and tried to calm himself down. 

"That girl just makes me so mad! I don't understand why she would do such a thing? She's such a -"

I grinned at him.

"Why are you smiling? This is a serious situation!"

"Your cute when your angry." I giggled. His cheeks flushed a bright red and he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Oh." He grinned back at me. 

Just then my phone rang and Ivy's name flashed across the screen. I answered it.


"Violet! It's happening, the baby is coming! Kevin and I are on way to the hospital."

I squealed, "Okay! I'm on my way, let my get my camera ready and I'll be there as fast as I can."

"Thank you Violet! I'll see you soon."

 I hung up the phone.

"Ivy's gone into labor. I need to get there as soon as possible since I am taking picture for her. Can you watch Harper today?" 

"Yes, I can. That's really exciting, Violet." 

"I know!" I squealed, "I'm going to be an aunt! And Harper will have a little baby cousin!"

I grabbed my camera bag and quickly got dressed into something a little nicer. I also grabbed my makeup bag, so I could try and cover up my purple nose. 

"I'll call you when your can bring Harper to visit, okay?"

"Okay. Have fun and be safe." He embraced me in a hug, "I'm so happy for you, Vi." 

"Thank you." 

I stepped away from my hug and raced to the car. As I raced down the roads the memories of when I went into labor with Harper came back to me. I grinned at the memory of the little worm that Harper once was. My birth with Harper was such a magical and perfect experience, but there was one thing missing. 


Seth was missing. 


Hello friends! This chapter is very short as it's just a filler chapter! I hope to get a longer chapter out in the next week or so. 

So, what did you think of the little flirt that Violet threw at Seth in this chapter? Do you ship them, or do you think that Seth shouldn't be given a second chance? How do you think Harper will react to her new baby cousin? 

Thank you for supporting my book! It means the world to me!


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:) <3

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