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The clock in my car read 1:01am. My heart was beating fast as I pulled into the driveway of my house. I just hoped that Seth's date night had turned out as "good" as mine. And that maybe he wasn't home yet either. 

My luck ran out when I opened the garage door and saw Seth's black car. I grabbed my things and got out of the car and went inside. 

When Seth heard me come in he jumped up from the couch and raced over to me. He placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Violet! Oh, I'm so happy you're okay," He hugged me, placing a hand on the back of my head, "I was worried sick! I tried to call you over 20 times."

"I'm sorry....my phone was on silent." I mumbled.

"Where were you?" 

"I was...well, I was on a date. I didn't think you'd be home."

He seemed taken a back at first, but quickly calmed down. 

"My date didn't go as planned. The girl who was on Tinder was not the girl that sat across from. So, I came home." 

"Oh....I'm sorry. I think?" 

There was an awkward silence between the two of us. 

"Violet, I should be the one who's sorry...I don't  know why I said the things I said before. Because I do still love you."

"No! You don't get to do that again. You don't get to tell me you love me, because you don't." I began to walk away from him. 

"But Violet I do! I was just trying to make you...jealous. That's why I went on a date. You didn't say I love you back....and that hurt."

I turned back around. Tears were filling my eyes. 

"Seth- I. I just. I can't!"

"But- don't you love me?"

"I love you, okay. I really do, but I'm not in love with you. I just can't- I can't put myself through the pain again. You are my daughters Father and I love you for that. And I love what we used to have. The love that we used to share was magical & beautiful. I will forever be grateful for the time we spent together. So, yes! I love you....but I'm not in love with you."

He approached me. Tears spilling out his eyes. He cupped my chin. I didn't pull away. He just stared intently into my eyes. Not saying anything.

I don't know what happened. I must have no self control. The next thing I knew I was kissing him. Hands in hair, lips on lips. And by the time I could get some sense into myself, it was too late. 

Because once again, for the second time that night, I was in his bed. It just wasn't the same guy. 


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