Pinky Promise

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Hi Seth,

It's me, Violet. I know you told me to never contact you again, but I need to talk to you about something really important. Meet me at my apartment @6pm tomorrow night. I live in the Lexi Apt building on Lake Ave. We looked at these apartments when we first moved in together. You should know where it is. I live on floor 5 in apt 25. Come by yourself.




I clicked the send button with shaky hands. It was 8am and I had just woken up. I took nearly 20 minutes to figure what to write to him. It's weird to think that it could be so hard to find the words to say to someone who I once shared all my secrets with. I got up from the stool and went to my room.

"Harper, baby." I rubbed her back, "Mama has to run errands."

She whined and rolled over.

"I know you're tired. Come on." I gently picked her up and laid her on my bed. She dozed off again as I picked out an outfit for her. I picked out a pink sundress with a elephant at the hem. It had ruffle sleeves. I threw a pair of black leggings on the bed along with her white converse. It was a struggle to get her awake and dressed, but I managed. I finished with putting her hair into some pigtails.

"Come on you cutie patootie. Mama's running late."

I was picking Ivy up and we were going to do some shopping for the kiddos. I grabbed a little squeezable applesauce and handed it to Harper. We finally got out of the apartment after Harper tried to go make some 'friends' with strangers in the apartment.

"Harper, please don't talk to strangers." I pleaded with my toddler.

"Friends." She crossed her arms and pouted.

"Let's go make some friends with someone else. Someone that mommy knows." I led her the rest of the way to the elevator. I knew she was scowling at me. She was a defiant toddler. I guess that's one thing she takes after her mama.

A half an hour later I pulled into Ivy's driveway. I honked three times and she came waddling out, a hand under her stomach to support it.

"Hello, my favorite sister." She said sitting down in the passenger seat, "and my favorite niece."

Harper kicked her feet and giggled.

"How's the baby?" I pulled out of her driveway.

"He's restless." Ivy groaned resting her head on the headrest, "I'm so ready for him to be here."

"He'll be here before you know it. And then he'll be a restless toddler in no time." I motioned towards my toddler who was playing a toddler video loudly on my phone. Ivy smiled at my daughter like she was the best thing in the world. I love how close all my family is. If her dad isn't in her life then at least she has an aunt, uncle, and grandmother who love her more than she knows.

A couple minutes later, we pulled in the mall. 'Caprese Mall' ran across the top of the building. Ivy lifted up Harper out of her seat and put her on the ground. She tried to run across the parking lot, but Ivy grasped her hand. I got the stroller out of the trunk and strapped Harper into it tightly. She began to whine. She has hated being in a stroller, carrier, or crib ever since she was a newborn.

"Do you want to get a treat?" I eyed her.

"Yes mama. Tweat." she pouted.

" Than you have to act like a big girl. Okay?"

"Tay mama."

Harper settled down instantly and began playing with her barbie she had brought in with her.

"Wow. That worked great. I'll have to write that that down." Ivy laughed.

The rest of the day we shopped from store to store buying various things for our kids. Harper got a cinnamon pretzel as her promised treat. Even though I ended up eating more than half of it. Ivy than decided she was going to take me out to eat. I insisted that we should just go back to my place and I could cook something, but knowing my sister she refused. She decided on a local pasta place that we had been eating at since we were little. She said Matthew was craving a big bowl of fettuchine alfredo and breadsticks.

"So," Ivy said leaning across the table and picking up a buttery breadstick, "Did you talk to Seth?"

I rolled my eyes. I thought I had gotten through the night without talking about Seth for once, but of course someone had to bring him up. Like always.

"I emailed him. I told him that I needed to tell him something and if he wanted to know he could show up at my apartment tomorrow night."

"I'm coming over! You are not going to be in the same room with that scumbag by yourself!"

"You are not coming over! I know you'll just get all upset and get in his face. Stress is not healthy for your baby, Ivy."

She opened her mouth to say something, but she knew I was right.

"Fine," She crossed her arms across her chest, "but if anything goes wrong you have-"

"I'll call you." I finished her sentence, " I promise."

Ivy took a deep breath and closed her eyes.


"Please don't tell Mom or Chase about this yet. I don't want them to flip out." I spoke.

"Okay. I won't."

"Pinky promise?" I stuck out my pinky to my 22 year old sister like we used to when were kids.

"Pinky promise."

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