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2 years later...

I stood at the back of the aisle. My heart was racing. This was a long time coming, I couldn't believe I was actually about to get married.

5 year old Harper made her way down the aisle with a basket of flowers. Her 6 year old best friend, Leo walked by her side as the ring bearer. We would have had Milo be the ring bearer but he was way too much of a handful to do that.

The wedding march song began and I made my way down the aisle. Chase had his arm linked in mine. He had grown up so much in the past few years. He was no longer the high school senior I once knew.

I looked up at Seth. Tears were falling down his face. Our families sat in the front rows. I heard 2 year old Milo gasp at the sight of his mother looking like a princess. My mother sat next to Milo with our 4 month old daughter, Willow, in her arms. Chase gave me a huge hug before handing me off to Seth. I took Seth's hands. 

"Wow." He mouthed at me. I giggled. 

The priest stood behind us. He began speaking the normal wedding stuff. 

"Now, please say your vows."

I looked up at Seth and grabbed the piece of paper with my vows written on it. 

"Seth, I have been waiting for this day for so long. I can't believe we are actually here. After everything we've been through I would have never imagined we would make it this far, but guess what. We did. We made it and we are still making it. You are everything that my 10 year old self could have imagined in a future husband. You are kind, loving, understanding, funny, lovely, and everything in between. You have given me so much in this life, but the best thing you have given me by far is our three beautiful children, Harper, Milo, and Willow. Thank you for granting me with this wonderful life. I can't wait to spend the rest of our days together."

I folded the paper back up and wiped tears at my eyes. Seth pulled out his notes. Here comes the waterworks. 

"Violet, you are my girl. The girl of my dreams. My 14 year old self made the best decision ever when he asked you to be his girlfriend. I am so happy to be standing across from you today to commit my life to the best and strongest woman I know. My stunning bride, you are everything that a man can ask for in a woman. You are gentle, beautiful, kind, loving, strongwilled, brave, and everything in between. Thank you for being the wonderful woman you are. Thank you for showing me grace in all the times that I messed up. I am so elated for this day to finally be here and I cannot wait till the day we are old and rocking in chairs on our front porch. I love you always, Vi." 

He sniffled and put his paper back in his front pocket. I wiped the tears from my eyes and then also wiped the tears from Seth's. The priest said a few other traditional things. 

"Seth Hayden Wood, do you take Violet Olivia Cameron to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He gave me a huge cheesy smile. 

"And Violet Olivia Cameron, do you take Seth Hayden Wood to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do!" I spoke in excitement. 

"Than you may kiss the bride!"

Seth cupped my chin and our lips crashed against each other. The most magical kiss of all.

The crown erupted into cheers. We turned back towards everyone and held hands.

"It is my honor, to introduce for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Wood!"

The crowd was even louder this time as we ran down the aisle hand in hand. 

Everything had gone perfectly. I was so happy to finally be Violet Wood. 

After the wedding we had the reception. Our bridal party, which consisted of, Ivy, Alana, Chase, Juliette, Josh Hudson, and Liam, all sat at the table. Harper ran up to us. 

"Mommy! I did so good and followed the rules!" 

"Yes you did! I'm so proud of you!"

Milo eventually followed Harper over to us. 

"Good dob dada." Milo stuck his thumb out. This kid cracked me up. 

"Thank you bubby." Seth laughed. My mother than brought Willow over and handed her over to me.

"Hi baby girl!" I bounced her in my arms. Willow was my little twin. Harper and Milo both had gotten Seth's eyes. They were the spitting image of their father. I was so happy when Willow came out looking almost exactly like me. Harper and Milo ran back over to Leo who was sat next to his mother. Juliette held her 1 year old daughter, Layla, in her arms. I grinned at my children and their friends. 

"It's time for the first dance between the bride and the groom!" The DJ spoke over the sound system. Seth and I got up from our seats and made our way to the dance floor. The slow song we had picked began playing. He took me in his arms and we swayed back and forth. 

"I love you, Violet Olivia Wood."

"And I love you, Seth Hayden Wood."

And that's the end! Thank you guys so much for reading my book. I can't believe how many people have enjoyed reading my story. So, thank you so much for showing interest. Like I said before, in the future there could possibly be a book 2. It would be about Harper and her highschool/ maybe college life. Let me know if you're interested in that! But before I do a second book to this I want to write something else. I plan on starting a new book soon so please be on the lookout.

Thank you for joining Violet, Seth, Harper, Milo, & Willow on this crazy journey! 

I will always be so grateful for the love on this book.

-xx Jodi

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