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It's the night of the party. I zip up the back of the sun dress i'm wearing and slip on some blue wedges that match the dress perfectly. Harper is in her highchair munching on some animal crackers. Her hair is in two pigtails and she is wearing a dress that Seth bought for her. It's pink and has sunflowers on it.

"More?" Harper said giving me a puppy dog look.

"No baby. We are going to a party and there will be lots of food there you will want to eat. Okay?"

She sighed and crossed her arms.


I lifted her out of the princess high chair and put her on my hip. She cuddled into me. She reached up and gave me a huge, slobber filled, kiss on my cheek.

"Love you Mama."

"I love you so much little girl." I squeezed her as we went on this new adventure together.

At 5:01pm we pulled into the driveway of the address Seth had given too me. It was a nice house, but nothing grand. Cozy and sweet. I went to get Harper out of her car seat. I unbuckled her and picked her up.

"Where we at?" She asked me as I sat her on the ground, grasping her hand.

"Daddy's house."


My face flushed as I realized what I had just said. Harper didn't know that Seth was her dad. She had never even said the word until now.

"Seth's house."

"Seth." she nodded excitedly. I said a little prayer in my head that she would forget what I had said.

I knocked on the door and it instantly swung open.

"Violet! Come in!" Seth stood at the door.

"Thank you."

"Hi baby!" Seth leaned down and held out his arms. Harper jumped into them. We walked into the living room together. Seth's mother and father sat on the couch talking. His younger twin brothers, Zayden & Zach who were 16 years old were playing video games on the T.V.

"Violet! My dear! It's so good to see you." His mother was squeezing me in an embrace. I wrapped my arms around her.

"It's nice to see you too Misty."

She transitioned over to Seth, who was holding Harper . She caressed Harper's cheek with the back of her hand.

"Hello sweetheart."

"Hi...." Harper nuzzled her head into Seth's neck. Misty's eyes were filling with tears.

"She's gorgeous Violet."

"Thank you." I whispered. Allan, Seth's dad, was next. Embracing me in a hug and then gawking at his grandaughter. The twins eventually came up too. Zach immediately walked over to Harper and cooed at her, but Zayden came to me first. Zayden and I had always had been closer than Zach and I. When Seth and I were together Zayden and I would bond over criminal shows and the newest iPhones.

"Hi Zayden." I hugged him tight. He was practically another little brother to me.

"I've missed you Purple." He chuckled. Ever since Seth and I started dating when we were 14 and when the twins were 9 Zayden has called me Purple. He had trouble saying Violet because he had a speech impediment when he was younger. I told them that my name was a different shade of purple and from there on out Zayden called me purple.

"Where's Amanda?" I turned to Seth realizing that there was a missing piece to this family.

"She's at the store. She'll be back soon. She just didn't want to ruin this special moment."

The whole Wood family took Harper and gave her a buttload of gifts. The room was filled with toys and clothes.

"You guys! You didn't have to do this!" I squealed at all the pretty pink girly stuff.

"Oh, but we wanted to! Besides, I never got to buy girl clothes when my boys were little! I had fun shopping for her." Misty exclaimed and everyone agreed.

"Seth, Honey?" I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"In here, come in."

I shot my eyes towards the doorway. In walked a tall, thin, redhead. Her eyes were a striking blue and freckles covered her perfect skin. She was gorgeous! I walked over to her.

"Hi Amanda, I'm Violet." I shook her hand trying to be polite.

"Violet! I've heard so much about you." She went in for a hug. As she wrapped her arms around me, I felt a small bulge at her stomach. I backed away and saw an at least 5 months pregnant women.

"Oh my god- your- your...."

"Pregnant." She laughed, "Yes! Harper is going to have a little sister! Didn't Seth tell you?" She rubbed her stomach.

"N-no." I felt faint. My head was spinning with so many thoughts.

"Her name is going to be Camille, Cami for short!"

"Harper and Cami! How adorable!" Misty squealed, "Two granddaughters Allan! Can you believe it?"

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