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The boxes were in the house. The rooms were all unpacked. Dallas came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. 

"Every thing's perfect." He whispered. 

"No it's not!" I snapped and pulled away, "because Seth isn't here. This isn't right! This is moving too quickly. Harper won't like it here, and this new baby probably won't either. It's probably not even your baby! I need to be with Seth. It feels right to be with Seth! Because I love Seth!" 

I sat up in my bed sweating from head to toe. I tried to catch my breath. I grabbed an old water bottle off my nightstand and sipped it. 

It was just a dream, just a dream. 

I laid my head back down and slowly, but surely fell back to sleep. 

The next morning...

"Good morning sleepy head." Seth shook my shoulder. I stirred in my sleep.

"Huh?" I slightly opened my eyes, "What time is it?" 

"11:30am." He chuckled. 

"Oh my god!" I face planted, "I'm so sorry Seth." 

"It's okay. Harper has been bathed, dressed, and fed. She's playing now." 

"Thank you." I smiled at him. 

"I have an ultrasound today. Do you wanna come?" 

He rubbed my back, "I was planning on it." 

I got up and got dressed. My appointment was at 1. Seth finished getting himself and Harper ready. We were out the door by 12:30.

"Oh, Dallas is supposed to meet us there." I awkwardly said. 

"Okay." Seth smiled at me. 

He was being so supportive. I smiled. I placed a hand on his hand.

"Thank you." 

"You're welcome." 

We pulled up to the office and went in. At 115, they called my name back. Dallas was yet to show. I sighed and got up from the chair.

"I'm sorry, Vi." 

I closed my eyes and shook my head, "It's fine." 

We went back into the office and the doctor asked me plenty of question about the baby's health. 

"Now, I'm assuming this is the father."

Seth started, "Well actually-"

"Yes!" I interrupted, "He's the father." 

I could feel Seth swelling behind me with pride. 

"Well, if the baby looks anything like this cutie," she nodded at Harper, "She or he will steal all the hearts." 

After our appointment was over Seth took me to a milkshake shack. 

"Order what you want." 

I nodded. I looked through the menu and picked out a milkshake and meal. 

"Heyyy!" I heard a familiar voice say. I shot my head up.

"Violet? From the club right?" I nodded yes. 

"Liam. Right?" 

"Ya!" he laughed, "Seth! It's nice to finally offically meet you." 

Seth looked confused. 

"How do you-" 

I laughed. 

"He helped me take you out to the car when you were blackout drunk." 

"Oh." Seth's cheek flushed a bright red. A pretty young lady walked up next to him with a little boy on her hip.

"Hi hon! Who's this." She said adjusting the little boy. 

"Just some friends."

"Hi!" I stuck my hand out to her, "I'm Violet." 

"Juliette, nice to meet you."

Seth did the same, "Seth." 

"Who's this cutie?" I nodded towards the toddler boy.  

"This is Leo! Our son." She bounced him on her hip. 

"He's adorable!" I cooed, "Harper can you say hi?" 

"Hi!" She said enthusiastically.

"Say Hi buddy!" Liam said.

"Hi..." he waved his hand at her. 

"Ya know, I'm trying to get Leo out of his shell and get some little friends. Maybe they could have some play dates?" 

"Oh my goodness!" I squealed, "I would love that!"

Juliette shook her head yes and we put each others numbers in our phones. 

"Oh, this is Harper by the way."

"Can you say 'Bye Harper!'" Liam asked his son.

"Bye, Bye Harper." He waved.

"See you guys soon." I waved goodbye to them. 

I looked into Seth's eyes. He held my hands across the table. 

"Our little girl is growing up. She's got a boyfriend!" 

"Oh my!" I rolled my eyes at him sarcastically. 

"Just like us in high school." 

I grinned at him and all the memories. 

"Just like us in high school." I repeated. 

High School.

If only we could go back to High School. 

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