What if?

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I took a deep breathe and smoothed out my shirt before opening the door to the photography office. As soon as I walked in there was a hug sign that read "Inspiring Images Inc.", or III which is the name of this business. I walked to the front desk.

"Hi! Welcome to Inspiring Images Incorporated! How may I help you?" The all to cheery lady at the front desk said. 

"Hello, I am Violet Cameron. I'm here for my interview."

"Ah yes! I'll let Mr. Hudson know and we'll get you right back."

"Thank you."

I took a seat in the comfy lobby chairs and tried to steady my breathing. I didn't know why I was so nervous. I'd been to plenty of interview before, but this one was the most important. My finances were on the line, if I don't get this job I don't know how I'll afford to help pay rent or buy things for Harper. Of course, Seth would never kick me out, but I can't just let him pay for the house, even though he has enough money. That'd be humiliating! I want to be independent and make a living to help support my daughter, and right now the money I'm making isn't cutting it. 

"Miss Cameron?" A lady was sticking her head through the door.

"Yes, that's me!" I picked up my purse and followed the lady back into the hallway.

"Mr. Hudson is just through this door here. He's ready for you!"

"Thank you so much!"

She opened the door and I walked in.

"Violet? Violet Cameron?" The balding man from behind the desk said jumping up from his chair. 

"Josh Hudson?" I laughed in disbelief. 

"Wow! It's so good to see you! How long has it been?" 

"I don't think we've seen each other since High School." I giggled. 

Josh Hudson and I had gone through school together our whole life. Kindergarten through 12th grade. He was actually my first crush back in fourth grade. We were pretty good friends. He was also one of Seth's good friends so we spent a lot of time together.

He walked over to me and embraced me in a hug. 

"I didn't know that you owned Inspiring Images! That's amazing!"

"My father handed it down to me. I'm very proud of it." He straightened his suit and sat back into his chair. "Now, should we get started?"

"Why, yes of course!" I sat in the chair on the opposite side of Josh's desk. 

"How long have you been working in photography business?"

"4 years. As,you know I took photography for 2 years in high school and that landed me a job at the Walmart photo station. I then moved over to a small photography shop, but they didn't accept  the hours I needed after I had my daughter, so I moved back over to Walmart."

"You have a daughter!?" He said in shock.

"Yes, her name is Harper Rose, she's 2 and a half."

"That's a beautiful name! Did Seth come up with it?" 

Every inch of my body  wanted to scream at him that Harper was my daughter and not Seth's, but I knew very well that wasn't true. 

"Yes." I sputtered out with a fake smile. "Anyways, I'm currently at Walmart, but I need a better paying job to support Harper."

"Very responsible." He smiled and nodded and wrote down some notes. He asked me a few more questions and I answered them as best as I could. 

"I think that's all I need." He nodded a satisfied nod. "I'll be getting back to you in the next few days."

"Thank you so much again Josh, I hope to hear from you." We shook hands and I left. I checked in with desk to make sure they had all my information and then I headed out. As soon as my hands hit the steering wheel my phone rang. Seth's face was on my screen. I swiped and answered it.


"Uh....I think you forgot to tell me about your little boyfriend."

My heart sank. 

"You're not supposed to be home yet!" I defended myself. 

"I wasn't feeling the greatest so I left work early and then I come home to some stranger watching our daughter!"

"He is not a stranger! You know very well who he is! He's Dallas Wesley, from High School?" I silently rolled my eyes.

"Vi, I haven't seen this kid in years! How can we trust him? Besides you told me you would get Alana to watch her. This is not Alana!" 

"Alana was busy!"

"What about Ivy?"

"She's busy too! What else was I supposed to do?! I can't ask you to take off work and I can't miss this interview! Everyone was busy and I didn't know who else to call! Dallas is my friend, okay? He's safe! He's not going to hurt Harper." I sighed heavily into the phone.

"I just wish you would have told me."

"I'm sorry..I should've told you..I know. I'll be on my way home soon."

The phone beeped without a single goodbye from Seth. I understand that he's upset, but don't I at least deserve a 'goodbye' or maybe even an 'okay'? I pulled out of the parking lot and began to head back to the house. 

The music rang through my ears as I drove. My hair flowing back with the wind. Sometimes, I wonder what my life would've become without Harper. Would I be here? Living in the moment without  a care in the world. Would Seth be beside me, or not? Would I be living here or not? Would I ever want to find love again after the heartbreak Seth had caused?

Don't get me wrong, I love my daughter and I wouldn't trade her for the world! I would never take back any moment, but sometime I wonder if I would have a better, more successful life without her. 

I don't know, but I do know it couldn't be worse than your ex boyfriend running into your sorta crush while he's taking care of you and your exboyfriends daughter.

No, it couldn't be worse than that.

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