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1 month later...

Harper's 3rd Birthday.

"Good morning my love bug." I rubbed my now 3 year olds back. Seth stood behind me. Harper rolled over and looked up at us. 

"Happy Birthday Rosie Posie!"  I grinned at her. She had been asking about her birthday for the past three months. She sat up excitedly in her bed. 


"Yes baby, it's your birthday." Seth said kissing her head. She squealed. I handed Seth her clothes so he could get her dressed while I finished cooking food. My family & Seth's would be over soon. 

About an hour later the doorbell rang. It was my family. My mom gave me a hug, followed by Chase. Ivy carried Matthew in her arms, and Kevin was behind her with the baby bag. I hugged them both and took Matthew from Ivy, giving him a big sloppy kiss on his cheek. I invited them all in and we all sat in the living room. 

It was kind of nerve wracking to be around my family. I hadn't told anyone besides Dallas, Seth, and the Doctor that I was pregnant. I had been wearing loose fitting clothes to cover my tiny bump. It wasn't big at all. Just looked like I had put on a few extra pounds, but I was truly terrified that my family would judge me. 

Another ring of the doorbell awoke me from my thoughts. Seth got up to welcome his family in. Seth's parents, Allan and Misty, walked in and embraced their son. The twins walked in next. Zayden went over to the food and began stuffing his mouth. Zach stood back with his phone in his hand. Typical teenagers. They brought their presents in and set them on the floor. We all sat down and began chatting. A couple minutes later Alana and Garrison came in. Alana flaunted her engagement ring to all of our family. 

"Do you wanna open presents?" I asked my toddler. 

"Ya, ya, ya!" She jumped and down. I took her little hand and sat her in a chair, handing her a present. She ripped it open and pulled out a blue colored outfit. She smiled, then frowned, then smiled again when she saw Cinderella was on it. She threw it to the side and pulled out the next item. A cinderella barbie doll to go with her cinderella outfit. How adorable! 

The doorbell rang again. I gave Seth a confused look. We weren't expecting anyone else. I got up from my seat and told Harper to continue opening gifts. I opened the front door. There stood a person I never wanted to see again. 


She stood there was a blue coat wrapped around her body and a crinkled gift bag in her hand. She gave me a soft smile. 

"Oh, hi."

"What are you doing here?" 

"Seth's parents invited me." She gave me a sweet smile. 


She pushed passed me and into my house.

"Amanda! Darling!" Misty embraced her. I walked up next to Seth.

"Did you know about this?" I whispered. He shook his head no not being able to form words. Amanda set the gift on the ground and picked up Harper, placing a kiss on her cheek. Seth started to walk towards her, but I held him back with my arm. 

"It's okay. Let it be." 

He was fuming. I could tell. Amanda handed Harper her gift and told her to open it. Harper took out a silver picture frame. A picture frame? For a toddler? Amanda turned the frame towards the room with a smile on her face. The photo was a picture of Amanda holding Harper. You could see Amanda's pregnant belly in the picture. Seth stood next to them smiling. 

"It's our family." She made slight eye contact with Seth. I wrapped my arms around Seth's waist and kissed his shoulder. I was trying to calm him down, but I also wanted to show Amanda he was mine. She rolled her eyes at us, got up from the ground, and set the picture frame on our mantle. This girl! Seth couldn't take it anymore.

"Get out of my house!" He yelled. 

"What!?" She seemed taken aback. What did she expect? 

"I don't want you near my daughter, my family, or my girlfriend ever again!" 

Girlfriend??? Had we made it official?

She swallowed. She looked hurt. 

"Now, take your stupid picture and leave!" He shoved the frame into her chest. 

"Seth Allan Wood!" His mother cried out. 

"No, mom, you don't get a say in this. Not this time. I love you and respect your opinions, but you don't know the real Amanda. You don't know what she has done to me. So, please keep your thoughts to yourself!"

What she had done to him? He had never told me anything terrible!

Amanda gave Seth a cold look, she looked at Harper, and then to me. Without another word she picked up her bag, frame, and keys and left the house. He came back over to me and pulled me into his arms, his chin resting on my head. All of our families seemed shocked to see us in this state. 

"Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag...we are back together, kinda, sorta, almost?" I awkwardly said. My mom looked mad. Everyone else seemed okay with it though. 

I mouthed, "I'm sorry." to my mom. 

"It's okay." She mouthed back and winked at me. 

We hadn't announced I was pregnant yet, but I didn't feel this was the right time. I didn't want to lay everything on them at once.  Seth and I sat next to each other on the couch as Harper teared through the rest of the presents. I really hoped that the Amanda situation didn't even faze her. That she didn't understand the cruelty of Amanda. 

I just hoped that her innocence protected her, because I couldn't. 

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