Baby Camille

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1 month later... 

"Goodnight, love." I struggled to kiss Harper on the head as my huge stomach got in the way. 

"Goodnight mama." She leaned up and kissed me on the nose so I wouldn't have to bend down anymore. Seth gave her kisses and tucked her in. We both walked out into the living room. I grunted as pain shot through my stomach. Seth ran to my side.

"Are you okay!?" His eyes were wide. 

"Yes." I smiled.

"Was it a contraction?" He asked me.

"No, probably not. It's just pregnancy pains. Braxton hicks maybe. I'll know. You don't need to worry." I smiled and put my hands on the back of his neck. 

"Probably not?" 

"I'm fine." I assured him. 


"Promise." I whispered. We both went and sat on the couch together. He turned on a comedy movie. We laughed our way through. Eventually I fell asleep on his lap. 

I awoke to discomfort. I looked around. Seth and I were still asleep on the couch. I rubbed my eyes, picked up my phone, and checked the time. It was 3:46. I got up to go to the bathroom. As I did water gushed down my legs. 

My water broke. 

"Seth." I shook his shoulder, " Seth please."

 "Huh?" He sat up alert. 

I swallowed a lump in my throat, "My water broke."

"Okay, okay. It's okay. Just stay calm. Go get yourself cleaned up and I will call my parents to come watch Harper."

I shook my head yes and waddled too the bathroom. I went to the restroom where more fluid rushed out. I grabbed a towel and wiped down my legs. I tied my hair back and grabbed a pair of Seth's sweats and his tshirt. I slowly slipped on the clothes. Seth came over to me.

"My parents are 5 minutes away." I shook my head yes as the first strong contraction hit me. I grabbed Seth's arm and squeezed it. 

"Deep breaths, Vi. Remember? Like in our birthing classes."

I took a deep breath and steadied myself. A few minutes later Seth's parents arrived. 

"I'm so sorry." I said, " I was going to try to wait till morning."

"Don't be sorry, love. I'm happy to be here." Misty said

"Thank you." I hugged her.

"We will see you later." 

I nodded and Seth put a guiding hand on my back. We made our way to the car. 

The ride there was filled with lots of pain. A feeling of relief washed over me as we pulled into the parking lot. Seth pulled up next to the door and ran in. He came back out and pulled a wheelchair up to the car door. He helped me out and sat me in it. I took deep breaths as another contraction hit me. He rolled me in through the sliding doors and checked me in. 

"I'll be right back.  I have to pull the car around."

Fear shot through my body, " No please, stay with me." I grabbed his hand. 

"Vi, I'll be right back my love. I'll get your bag to, okay? I won't be more than 3 minutes."

I shook my head and let go of his hand. 

Sure enough, 2 minutes later Seth was back in the waiting room with me. Just as he sat down nurses came out to take me to my room. 

"What time did your water break?" One of them asked me. 

"Around 3:45." I answered 

"How far along are you?"

"8 months and 3 weeks." 

"Is this your first kid?"

I shook my head no and another contraction hit me. Eventually, we got to a hospital room. For the next 20 mins I was hooked to many different machines and monitors. A doctor came in and asked me familiar questions. She also checked how far dilated I was . 

"You're 4 centimeters dilated. You have to be 9 to push. We will check in regularly. Do you want the epidural?" 

"Yes please." I spoke relieved. She nodded her head yes and left Seth and I alone. He leaned and grabbed my hand. 

"Are you excited?" 

"Yes, but also nervous, but I am so excited that you are here with me."  

"Me too." 

"I should call me mom." 

He nodded, "I'll update my parents."

I dialed my moms phone number.


"Sorry it's so early momma. I just wanted to let you know I'm in labor. We are at the hospital. It will be a few hours, but the baby's coming." 

"Oh honey! I am so excited! I'll come around 7. Okay?"

"Okay mom. Love you so much. Bye." 

"Goodbye honey." 

The call ended. Seth pointed to the corner of the room. I followed his fingers. There sat a little hospital bassinet with a yellow hat, and a baby blanket. 

"Our little baby is going to be right there." He squeezed my hand. Tears blurred my vision. I couldn't believe this was finally happening. He leaned down and pressed his lips on mine. 

"So, what are we going to name him or her?" 

We had discussed a couple names, but nothing was set in stone. 

"Well, if it's a girl, I think her name should be Willow." I said.

"I love it. I was thinking Milo for a boy..what do you think?"

"It's sooooo cute! Harper and Milo." My heart melted at the thought of my two beautiful babies. 

There was a silence for a few minutes when I had another contraction. 

"I was thinking Cami, or Cam for the middle name...After baby Camille."

"Violet, you don't have to do that...."

"Seth, I want too. I know Amanda hurt you, but Camille was your baby too. I want to do it, for you, for us, for Camille." I smiled. 

"That'd be- that'd be amazing..." He nodded and wiped a tear from his eye. 

"I love you, Seth Wood." I squeezed his hand. 

"I love you more, Violet Cameron." 

The baby is almost here! Yayyy! I can't wait for the next upcoming chapters.

- Jodi xx

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