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1 month later...

"I'm nervous!" I said.

"Why? Your mom has raised three babies we can leave Milo with her. We can trust her."

"I know- it's just."

"It'll be okay my love."

Seth and I were going on our first date since Milo was born. I was wearing a dusty rose wrap around dress. Seth has on slacks and a button up. We were going to a fancy restaurant.

"You look gorgeous." Seth said placing his hands on the back of my neck.

"Well, you don't look to shabby yourself." I patted his chest. My mom came a few minutes later. I kissed Harper and Milo goodbye.

"Take good care of them mom."

"Oh, you know I will." My mom said.

"Thank you again mom."

"Anytime hon."

Seth and I left the house. We held hands and jammed to our favorite throwback songs from high school. The windows were down and the wind was blowing through our hair. I noticed Seth staring at me.

"What? You goofball!" I jokingly punched his arm.

"I'm just so so lucky to have you to do life with."

"Oh my goodness you're the cutest." I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

We pulled into the parking lot. Seth rushed over to open my door for me. He helped me out.

"Thank you."

We began to head to the restaurant hand in hand.

"Wait, come this way. I have to show you something."

I gave him a confused look, but followed him. He led me around to the park that was by the restaurant. As I looked around I noticed lots of rose petals scattered on the ground. They led down the path to an archway.

"Seth? What is all this."

"Just wait and see."

We made our way down the way. When we got to the archway Seth turned towards me.

"Violet Olivia Cameron. I have loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you in our freshman year of high school. You have showed me the meaning of life, but not only that, you have give me life. You have given me two beautiful children, a wonderful life, but most importantly you have given me the gift of getting to spend the rest of my life with the woman of my dreams. And I don't want to spend another day afraid of losing you because I already messed up and lost you once. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, every second I want it to be with you. I want to grow old with you. I want this life to be me and you forever. So, with all that being said, Violet Olivia Cameron, will you marry me?" He got down on one knee.

"Oh my god! Yes, yes, yes, yes Seth! Yes, I will marry you!"

Seth slightly picked me up off the ground and spun my around. He slipped the beautiful, shining, diamond ring on my ring finger.

"Seth," I put my hand to my mouth, "This is beautiful!"

"I'm so happy you love it!"

I heard a rustle in the bushes. I saw all of our family coming out. Alana and Garrison were there too. Along with a photographer. I looked a Seth with excitement in my eyes.

"Suprise!" He said. I went over to our families and hugged them all one by one.

"This is amazing! Oh my goodness! Thank you. Thank you to all of you."

We went to the restaurant with the whole family and had a lovely meal. Everything felt perfect. Everything felt like it was was meant to be this way. A year and a half ago when I bumped into Seth I never imagined we would be here now. I once hid from the father of my child, and now I have fallen in love with him all over again. We've both made mistakes. So many mistakes, but we're human. That's what we were made to do. No matter how much hell we have put each other through I know we wouldn't change anything for the world. This was how our life was meant to be. This is our life.

We said goodbye to our families and left the restaurant with both our kids in the back seat. Our perfect little family all in one place. Could life get any better?

I held Seth's hand across the console.

"We are getting married!" I squealed. He laughed at my excitement.

"Yes, Violet. We are finally getting married."

Holy crap you guys! I just finished a freaking book! This is an amazing achievement. I will be writing an epilogue so be in the look out for that. In the further, there could possibly be a second book. Let me know if you guys want a second book!

I also have some ideas for other books! I can't wait to start writing them. Thank you guys so much for the amazing feedback on this book! I'm so thankful that you guys enjoy the book as much as I enjoy writing it! I can't wait to see what the future will bring.
-xx Jodi

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