Let's Go!

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After the last bell rang I slowly walked down to my locker, slowly. I didn't want him to think I was excited to see him. Slowly like a turtle, just chilling.

I got to my locker, he wasn't even here! I wonder if he left without me. He doesn't seem like the type to wait. He couldn't have known I purposely went around the whole school. I didn't pass him or anything. I wonder if I'll have to ask Sakura for his address.....

I opened my locker just to look like I was looking for something. Geez can't believe I got ditched. I shut my locker and jumped. I think my heart stopped.

"Jesus Sasuke! Why the hell don't you make noise when you walk!" I seriously didn't hear anything. Just another reason to assume he's a witch or the devil.

"Let's just go" Sasuke turned around and started walking.
I caught up to him and walked by his side. "Why are you waking so fast?" He looked so calm but if you looked close enough his hair swayed with the wind, he walks too fast.

"We're meeting Neji and Gaara outside" I almost chocked on my spit. I didn't agree to this I wouldn't have said yeah sure I'll come if it meant his friends were gonna be there. Does he think we all get along. This is going to be awkward.

"Why?" It's the only thing my dumb self would say. Why? Ya why did I even say that? I should've just said oops actually my mom wants me to come home, yeah she called me on her prehistoric cell phone that never gets service.

"Did you wear anything else? It's cold out. We're walking you know"

What the hell..... I stopped at one of the benches and got my hat and jacket out. I have so many questions.

"Why are we walking? Why are your friends coming?" I asked. Though he ignored me! This was a bad idea, I'm going to pushed into the snow and suffocate. Left to die, alone and cold. Typical. He is a witch, some sort of magical person who wishes nothing but bad things on you. I'll figure it out.

"Just pick up the pace!" Sasuke yelled. Not gonna lie, I started jogging a little.

When we reached the outside doors Neji and Gaara were waiting. Sasuke nodded at them and they both got up. He has some sort of power. "Let's go, it's a quick walk."

We stepped outside and I lost my breath. We have to walk in this! It's freezing outside. My hands were so cold. I stuffed them in my pockets and pulled my sleeves and hat down a little more. I'm used to the cold but this is below freezing, not walking temperature. How dare that evil man make us walk. Well actually he's not making me.... damn my stupidity.

I looked down the whole way there, no one talked to me I was okay with that I don't want to talk to them. How far are we walking! I could ask the question but I wouldn't get an answer. Nope not even a sigh of annoyance.

I continued my walk thank goodness people actually shovel the sidewalk, I mean my feet are still cold but it's better than walking in a foot of snow.

I watched Sasuke he stood up straight when he walked even in this cold weather, he looked straight ahead as if scared of nothing. This guy is so mysterious. I watched as his lips moved when he talked. He seemed like the perfect human.

"Are you alive Naruto?" Sasuke asked, his sudden voice shocked me a bit. I wasn't expecting to get talked to.

"Yeah" I answered I didn't feel like sounding excited or sad, just myself my cold self.

He turned around and looked at me, it was the first time I looked him in the face. His eyes were so dark his face was so pale and the redness from the cold weather made him look healthier. I was looking at him. Really looking at him. Something in me switched, something I didn't know was possible.

I hate him. I can feel it in my stomach the fire is burning. His face was so symmetrical, I wanted to punch him. He lit something in me and now the flame won't die, I won't forgive him.
I hate him.

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