I'll be back

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I want to meet up with Sasuke in school today, I want to go over to his house after school today because we have a lot to talk about.

I walked into school later than usual, I got up late and my parents thought I should just stay home after yesterday I can understand why. It was a huge mess and quite honestly I don't blame them for anything.

It was a warm morning the snow is gone and spring will be here any minuet now making so many people including myself happy. Since yesterday I've been struggling with the memories that are real and the memories that I myself made up. I really don't trust myself to remember anything right now.

When I got into school I walked in the cafeteria doors and walked over to Sasukes table I want to talk to him before the bell rings and I also need to apologize. That whole thing at the museum I feel really bad it happened. I'm also really embarrassed.

I stood next to Sasuke and tapped on his shoulders he looked up at and then blinked. Not a second later he was on his feet looking at me like I have two heads.

"What are you doing here?!" He demanded I smiled a little and looked at the table he was at.

"What?" I asked confused. This is a school day right? I mean I do still go here, this is school.

Sasuke grabbed my hand and pulled me out into the hallway he pushed me up against the lockers and stared at me. My heart was beating so fast I'm sure he can hear it. His face slowly got closer and closer and I did nothing to stop it. He kissed me. I kissed back.

"Are you okay? How do you feel, do you have a headache?" Sasuke worriedly asked while feeling my head.

I pushed his hand away and held it our fingers intertwining. "Sasuke I'm fine, but can I come over to your house after school?"

"Are you sure you're okay?" I smiled at him, I didn't think he would worry so much.

"Yes Sasuke I'm fine. I'm coming over after school"

"Should you be walking? It's a far walk" Sasuke said, I looked at him and slowly nodded my head. It's not that far.

"I'll take Kakashi's car home and have Itachi pick him up later" Sasuke said and turned around.

I pulled him back and stared at him, "You drive?" I carefully asked. How come he doesn't drive to school?

"Yes, I don't like driving but I can" Sasuke grabbed my hand and started dragging me down the hall, I picked up my pace so we were walking next to each other.

"Why don't you like to drive?" I asked and looked at our hands, I pulled my hand from his and looked around there were a few students in the halls but none of them were looking at us.

Sasuke had a distant look in his eyes and frowned "Cars scare me, my parents died in a car" Sasuke whispered. I frowned completely forgetting that his parents died in a car accident. How inconsiderate of me.

"I'm the worst" I mumbled to myself.

Sasuke bumped me with his shoulder, "that's not true" he whispered in my ear. I shuddered and slowly nodded. I don't agree with him but my body sure does.

We walked until we got to Kakashis classroom and stepped in. I sat in my seat and stared at the ground. Damn.

I heard Sasuke tell Kakashi that he would be taking the car and Kakashi saying it was in fact okay because he had to stay late for a meeting anyway.

Kakashi and Sasuke began whispering about something most likely Sasuke driving. I'm sure it's weird I mean if he doesn't feel comfortable driving we can walk there is nothing wrong with me.

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