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I walked in the door and shut it tightly, I ran into the kitchen and threw on the stove so it could preheat. As I said before I usually don't turn the heater on at the same time but today was an exception I'm freezing.

I ran down the hall and into my room, I grabbed my sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt put it on and took out my notebooks. I looked at the homework and then put it away I'm not doing it right now. I'll do it later in study hall, if I go to school.

You see now I'm a little bundle of panic, I was in Sasukes house and he seemed to have thought I was going to wander around freely. He was wrong. And now I feel like a poorly thought out prank was going to take place. I don't understand why we had to walk, why his friends had to come and why there was no pictures of his family on the walls.

I remember this because I was worried about them dropping when I shut the door but the only thing on the wall was paintings of old people. Not even good paintings they were ugly.

I don't really know much about Sasuke other then he's rich, I don't even know where I got that information from I think Kiba. But after visiting his house I know it's true. That guy has money.

I used the bathroom and then walked into the kitchen. There was of course nothing to eat at least nothing I wanted. I say that like I have options or like we don't eat the same thing over and over again every week.

I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. I really should do my homework, I'll think about it after watching some Netflix.

I grabbed my laptop and sat on the couch with a blanket. I loved soft fluffy blankets! They are so soft and make me fall asleep as soon as I lay down with one. So warm!

I opened criminal minds and watched the episode I left off on, I've seen this show so many times but I love rewatching it.

I mean really I should at least read that book again or at least look through it I know the main character was Charlie but what kind of things does he do? Hopefully something interesting.

I looked down at my phone, nothing. Geez what a boring life. I'm so bored I might as well do homework!

I grabbed my bag from my room and looked up The Perks Of Being A Wallflower online. If I was going to do this I might as well do it right, once I get my notes and everything down I can show them to Sasuke get praised and we can finish the project together.

I grabbed my notebook, I've had this since the beginning of the year which isn't that long but I've only used it once, to draw scribbles in it to see if my pen worked.

I don't do anything in English! At least not in the actual class I would rather do it during study hall or at home. Away from loud people. Okay maybe I should say what I'm feeling, away from everyone in my class minus Kiba.

Well after looking over the book again. I realized I can not do this book, there is way too many things going on in this book and I can't do any of it! Clearly I should've read the book the first time. This kid does some hard ass drugs, I can't do that!

I need to think of a good book, see this is why we should've gotten a list. Man I need a book list. I wonder if Kiba has one?

I grabbed my phone and unlocked the screen. I had a message I opened it up and instantly regretted it. I shut my phone off and took a deep breath.

I opened it again and looked at the text. It was from Sasuke. And I don't want to know how he got my number, I don't want to know anything about him. I only want a good grade on this project.

I looked at the text again. How does one reply to a text?

Sasuke- Why did you leave we didn't even pick a book for the project. My house can't be that bad.

That's what the text said. How do I respond? 'My house can't be that bad?' What the hell.... why is he just texting me now? Did he just realize I left!?

I'll just lie. I can't say I didn't feel comfortable in his old creepy ass probably haunted house that was actually really nice and had a modern touch to it.

Naruto- Something came up had to leave. Maybe next time you can learn how to host better

I typed it out and hit send. I mean it's not a lie he really needs to learn how to host. Just walking away like that he should know by now I'm a little wimp. Okay great now it'll probably take him at least an hour to respond I can go to bed.

Sasuke- You want me to host better? You didn't even come in the house! You took your shoes off and then left. Did you have time to put them back on?

Clearly I had time to put my shoes back on! I was waiting in the living room for 30 minutes.

Naruto- Yes I put my shoes on! This is your fault anyway. Next time let's actually work on the project and don't invite your sketchy ass friends over either.

I hope he gets that I'm angry. For some reason Sasuke replies supper fast and I don't know how to feel. I don't want him to reply fast but I also don't like the waiting.

Sasuke- My house I can do what I want. Come over tomorrow and we can actually start the project. I mean actually come in the house. You do know how to walk right?

Sasuke has this cool side and I can't tell how his tone is in this text. He likes to make fun of me. 'You do know how to walk right?' I also think he's stupid I walked with him. With him! I wonder if I'm invisible?

I'm not even going to reply. Nope I'm just going to not respond and hope I don't have to see him tomorrow. Hopefully he'll skip school and I won't have to go over to his house.
I set my phone down, not even a second later I heard the ringer go off. I looked at my phone.

Sasuke- Unless you want to work at your house? It would be easier.

He texted me again! I don't like this, I'll make him delete my number after this project is over.

Naruto- No can do, your house is good.

As if I would ever have people over to my house. Ha!

Sasuke- Okay. Meet me by my locker after the last bell

I read it and turned my phone off. I put it on the charger and went to my room. My mom should be home soon so I don't care about the stove and heater.

I just hope Sasuke doesn't actually think I read these books, it will be so much easier when he just finishes the project and puts my name on it.

I got in my bed and laid down just in time to hear the front door open. It's either a burglar or my mom. Either way I'm going to bed.

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