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"How does it feel to be a coward?" Taeyong asks Doyoung patting his back.

Doyoung scowled at him while holding an ice pack to his head."it doesn't feel the best Taeyong. Maybe you should go over and calm her down."

"Oh, no thanks buddy. I'm just as coward as you. Maybe even more."

"You guys are awful, just go apologize. She can't do much harm right?" Mark interferes the conversation they were having."I mean. She's only an 18 year old girl. No way she can be that strong"

"Ah, Markus, dear Markus. You go talk to her then" Donghyuck comes up from behind him and laughs.

When Naris angry. She's a n g e r y. But the worst part is. She's sad mad. There's nothing more deadly than sad mad.

"Call Kaylie. She'll do it."

"No I won't, trick ass bitch"

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see my boyfriend. Why else would I be here Jonathan." Kaylie walks over to Jaehyun and sits next to him. "If you want to cheer her up, just send Jaemin."

"That's the whole problem!" Doyoung yells at her causing her to jump.

"Hey! Stop being a bitch and fucking talk to your girlfriend! So what if he likes her still. He has TWO boyfriends and you're ENGAGED to her. Stop being a fucking WIMP and talk to her!" Kaylie throws a pillow at his face while yelling at him.

"She's right, Nari and I were a whole different situation. The important thing is that, she chose to live her life with you. Do you really think she would have said yes if she was still in love with me?" Jaemin comes out from the actual no where.

Where the fuck does he even come from? He does this every time.

"You need to stop fucking appearing out of nowhere. Gives me the fucking creeps. How are you so quiet?"

"I drink 6 cups of coffee a day, my stealth mode is always on."

"Retweet" Kun says holding up his cup of coffee.


"I just don't talk, I watch the drama unravel and comfort the ones in need"

"So you're,,, god?"

"If I We're god I would have debuted already. But noooooo. Fucking shit hole. Stuck with you people all fucking day. When am I debuting? I don't fucking know? Could be next month. Could be next year. Fucking-" kun says bringing his mug up to his mouth taking a sip of his coffee.

"Doyoung, What did you do to mom?" Jisung comes through the door holding a pillow.

"That's actually really cute? Why??" Kaylie says looking at the 16 year old boy in awe.

"Stop calling her mom. Shes only 2 years older than you."

"Anyways, What did you do to mom?"

"We fought"

"About what?"

"They probably fought about jaemin again, come on sungie. Let's go back to Nari. She wanted cuddles" Chenle grabs Jisungs hand and drags him back out of the dorm and into Naris.

"Again? y'all fight about me a lot I suppose. Doyoungie, you should know these are all jokes. She loves you unconditionally. There's no way she would get back together with me."

"Your jokes, never stop. So I don't know if they're real or if it's just something you guys say."

"Like Nari and I will ever get married. We drove each other crazy just because we would avoid questions like that. Nari told me she never wanted to get married. But look at her now. Engaged but fighting with her fiancé over an Ex boyfriend. Are both of you idiots? Are you 15 years old? You're suppose to get married in less than 2 months. Are you really going to let me pop into the picture now? Is it always going to be 'Nari Doyoung and Nari's Ex boyfriends'? Are you going to hold a grudge against me your whole life? If anything I should be the grudges holder, given you're the one who took her away from me. I have both Jeno and Renjun, you have nothing to worry about."

"Nice to know you have a grudge"

"That wasn't the point Renjun!"

"I know I'm kidding. Go make up with her Doyoung. But god. Please no sex"

"No promises"

"THATS MY SISTER, FREAK" Kaylie and Johnny both hit him with a pillow at the same time.



"Now go, make up with her. Not only for our well being but for yours."


"Pft, coward."

"I heard that Lee Jeno"

"It was meant to be heard.

"Nari??? It's Doyoung. Can you let me in?"
Doyoung asks knocking on their door.

"Ah, doyoungie? You gonna yell at me about how much I love jaemin again? If so, you can just stay at 127 dorm" she answers back

"I'm not going to yell. Please let me in?" He pouts at the door. Nari looking through the peep hole couldn't just leave him out there, it was his dorm too after all.

"Fine, but I'm not happy about it" she says unlocking the door. "Jisung and Chenle are asleep. So no yelling. Please."

"They're not our children Nari. Why are you doing this? To prove a point?"

"They're the closest things I'm going to get as to having kids. Let me live it okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Did you come to say something?" She backtracks and asks Doyoung.

"I'm sorry for causing a fuss"

"Fuss? What are you? 67? We fought over something stupid. We're both at fault. I'm just pettier than you are, so I kicked you out." She says walking her way over to her couch. "You should know by now that I don't like Jaemin anymore than just a best friend. We dated, sure. But we also broke up because I fell in love with you...... and because jaemins a big gay, but that's besides the point."

"Are you making fun of my age?"


"You dont see me calling you a 12 year old."

"Yeah, because that would be illegal. What would the police think, being engaged to a 12 year old?"


"Truce??" Doyoung asks smiling to her.

"Hm, truce. No more fighting about Ex's okay? Besides it's not fair. I only have Taeyong to yell at." She smiles back to him, hitting him on the shoulder.

"We didn't date!"

"Right, ejaculate and evacuate?

Cum and go?

Shoot your scoot?

Pump and dump?

Smash and dash?

Fill the crack then never come back?

Ruin the sheets then hit the streets??

Shoot the jizz and out you is?

Blow your skeet then hit that yeet?"

"What the Fuck Seo Nari?"

"What? I know a lot of sayings for one night stands. There's one more I didn't say, because it would probably offend some people." She says laughing at how many sayings she just said. "My favorite one is the offensive one, but we're not gonna go there"

"Why am I marrying you again?"

"Because I'm a delight."


Seo; Kim Doyoung Where stories live. Discover now