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"I feel like I'm going to stab Lucas."


"That's the thing. I don't know. I love you guys, but Lucas can get on my nerves a lot faster than the rest." Nari looks up to Lucas, who looked a little scared. The boy slowly switched places with Jungwoo and avoided all eye contact. "Lucas, I MIGHT not actually stab you."


You could hear light laughter from the 19 others. Red Velvet didn't want to come, "feels like we're intruding on a family get together". No matter now many times Nari told them it was fine, and that they were apart of the huge dysfunctional family. They still rejected it anyways and claimed they "needed to practice more".

"See Lucas, you don't annoy JUST me." Ten comes up to him and pats his back smiling to him. You could tell he was holding back his cackle. Ten loved to bully Lucas, for what reason? We don't know.

"What are we doing today?" Nari let's get body fall on the couch where Doyoung was also sprawled out.

"Um ow?" Doyoung pokes Nari on her cheek only for her to end up biting his finger. "You're a bitch".

"Thanks, you too!"

"It wasn't a compliment."

"Yeah, I know that. I'm not an idiot. I'm not Mark"


"Hmm, sounds like you're a little mad there fella." She laughs and cuddles further into Doyoungs arm. "You know I'm kidding mark. You and your half of a Brain cell are intellectuals."

"Doyoung, you're not going to say anything?" Mark asks him in disbelief. He was pouting like a 4 year old who's being forced to eat their vegetables.

" I can't control her. You and your half a brain cell should know that."

"I can never win???"

"Face it Mark. You're not the smartest. But hey. At least you're talented and adorable." Donghyuck says wrapping his arms around Mark. "Besides, You're very smart to me" he whispers, looking around at the busy people in the room, making sure no one heard him. Since he knew he'd get bullied for being soft.

"Thank you hyuck-ah."

"Y'all being soft over there?"


"Hmmm, sounds fake but okay." Nari says squinting her eyes at the close couple. "It's okay to be soft. I won't bully you. But ion know about the others" she laughs and looks back to Doyoung. "I love you"

"I love you toooo" he says and kisses her nose.

"That's disgusting."

"I'll fuck you up cheetah pond"

"Cheetah pond- literally HOW?" He yells to her, clearly embarrassed. But fascinated at the name she's come up with.

"Why dont you bully the other Hetero couples? There's Kaylie and Jaehyun. Then Kun and Jisoo. Literally fuck off."

"I like seeing you annoyed." He smiles to her annoyingly. He walks over to Johnny and he looked scared. Little did ten know, Nari was behind him holding a pillow, ready to give him a concussion. "Why do you look sc- OW WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"Ahh, I love family time. Don't you tennie?" Nari smiles and her eyes twinkle. The fact that her eyes twinkled, triggered Ten to grab the pillow and hit her back. "You hit like a weak bitch. All that did was fuck up my hair."

"I can never win with you huh?" He asks her in English, huffing out and hands her the pillow.

"Nope." She responds to him popping the p. "The only way for you to win. Is if im going through Ten hours."

"Have you ever gone through Ten hours?"

"Hmm, once. It was only because I was watching season 1 of NCT life." She says setting down the pillow she was holding. "Once again, what the fuck are we doing today? We going to just sit and stare at each other?"

"I'd love to stare at you all day"

"That's gay jaemin"

"You're a girl?????"

"Your point?"
"Alright, it's cold, it's snowing, LETS PLAY IN THE SNOW!!" She jumps up, cheering at her own suggestion. It seemed that only the younger members, Jisoo and Kaylie agreed to it. "Oh come on! We're all off today. Let's have fun. I haven't played in the snow for a while. You know, having my teenage years being taken away from me just to become a sexualized idol isn't really what i expected to come out of my life. Please?"

"Fine, but don't eat the snow." Doyoung sighs pulling Nari into a hug. He felt sorry for her. Imagine not being able to act your age, just because you're an idol.

"Why the fuck would I eat the snow?"

"Why wouldn't you."

"I hate that you have a point to that". She scrunched her nose up and laugh. "DREAM AND VELVET CAN COME WITH US. I CAN FINALLY PUT MY BABIES IN THEIR SWEATERS!" She yells and literally runs out of NCT127 dorms and into Hers and doyoungs.

"Your wife is crazy."

"Yeah. But I love her regardless."

"That's cute. But gross"

"Kaylie, you're engaged????"

"Your point?"

"I hate the seos"

"Aw, we hate you too"

Seo; Kim Doyoung Where stories live. Discover now