01| Mysteries

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A couple of years ago I would have never imagined myself in this position. Though who ever ends up where they imagined themselves to be? Some would certainly argue that I no longer had any redeemable qualities as I became exactly who they claimed I was. But a girl could certainly try to make up for some of her wrongs even if she had no real regrets. Even if my trying to find this missing family began as a selfish way of attempting to find a friend, and later became the curiosity of wanting to solve this mystery. It became clear to me early on that this Robinson family had not connection to Holly Robinson like I initially  believed. 

I sat in my car looking through the files and paperwork that I had accumulated throughout the past couple of weeks. The soft sound of the radio in the back ground only adding to my confusion, and all the thoughts running rapidly through my head. 

Weeks of investigation only to find out the missing family I had been searching for had simply moved. Nothing made any sense. Now here I was parked outside of this perfect looking home like a complete idiot. And although nothing seemed out of the ordinary, I just couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that this family had decided to sipper from the lives of their friends and family.  But who was I to judge them for disappearing out of the lives of the people they loved.

With a sigh I put my key into the ignition ready to leave just as a mad holding a folder walked up the steps of this families home. It wasn't anything odd, or suspicious. Not really, but something made me stay. Something didn't feel right about the man approaching this families' home.

I watched as the man entered the home only to exit seconds later, the file no longer in his hands. And not long after the family of four walked out of the house carrying large cases and placing them in the back of their mini van. They all got into the car and drove off, leaving me to wonder what that man could have possibly told them. 

In a split second decision I turned the key on the ignition and drove after them. I don't know what made me do it, in reality I had no reason to think anything was off.  Or maybe I wanted to prove to myself that I didn't waste so much of my time looking for this family for nothing. That I didn't waste valuable time that I could be looking for her, by investigating this family who possibly had not connection to her. 

But after months I was determined to find Selina Kyle. 


I parked on the other side of the street from them and watched as they seemed to discuss something. The reason for them arriving at the apartment building could be as simple as them visiting a friend or family. Which is odd itself considering that their family or friends haven't heard from them in months. And normally I wouldn't have driven across an entire state for a small hunch, but that man that arrived on this families' doorstep convinced me that there was definitely something not right here.

Quickly I walked to the entrance of the apartment building and and stopped to pull out my lipstick and a small compact mirror from my purse. I slowly applied the lipstick as I waited for the family to approach the building. I watched them come closer through my mirror and wondered what my next move would be considering I didn't have much time to come up with a better plan.

Analyzing the situation I realized that the girl would be the easier target of the four, so as they approached me I turned around and acted as if I had accidentally bumped into the girl. In unison the entire family stopped and looked at me expectantly. 

"I am so sorry." I apologized, as I placed a hand on the young girls shoulder and attaching microphone to her sweater. "I can be so clumsy sometimes."

The girl just looked at me with a blank expression until her mom cleared he throat, seeming to bring the girl back to reality. "It's alright." She said giving me what seemed like an excited smile. "I like your lipstick. It looks very good on you." 

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