16| Lover of Mine

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When the steel elevator doors open I ran down the steps anxiously still in a state of shock over what happened upstairs. I only ever was in the Batcave for training, and it was an odd experience to be running through the odd space that was Bruce's secret hideout under Wayne Manor. 

"Alfred!" I called out, until coming to a sudden stop at the sight of Batman standing over a medical bed covering most of the view of the person laying in front of him. But I didn't need to be closer to know who it was, his boots alone told me it was Dick. 

"What happened?" I asked as I cautiously stepped towards them, afraid of getter to close and face the reality what was happening. Bruce and Dick had returned with serious injuries before, but never to the extent of one of them laying unconscious because of their injuries.

"Scarecrow." Bruce replied simply as he pulled off his cowl, which I found odd as he never had done that it in front of me before. I had only ever seen him as Bruce Wayne or Batman, never as both.

Alfred calmly stepped into the room holding a tray of tea and biscuits. "Master Grayson seems to have been affected by Scarecrows fear toxin, we already administered the antidote. However it is his three broken ribs that are not as easily fixed. I suspect at least two weeks before he has made at least a partial recovery."

"He's going to be okay, right?" I questioned as I brushed a sweaty strand of hair from Dick's face, which was covered in numerous bruises. 

"Of course. Master Grayson is simply being dramatic, he has faced worse." Alfred stated simply as he pored a cup of tea. "You called for me Miss. Freemont?" 

I nodded the memory of the woman at the window suddenly coming back to me. Now it seemed much less important than it was moment ago. Suddenly Alfred was holding out a cup of hot tea towards me, and when I reached out I noticed that my hand were trembling.

"For the nerves." 

"Thank you Alfred." I said as I took a deep breath not exactly sure what to say or where to begin. "Well, Catwoman was upstairs in your room Bruce."

Hearing the thief's name caught Bruce's attention as he turned towards me, though his expression didn't give away any surprise at the news. "Did she say something?"

"Yeah, she said 'tell Bats I'll be waiting' and then she left." I continued, though I was starting to become curious about the fact that Bruce didn't seem surprised or angry at the news. Initially I thought that he was going to be furious that one of Gotham's villains had not only entered his home but also discovered his true identity. "Bruce...she knows you're Batman."

I waited even the slightest reaction from Bruce, but when I didn't get one I turned to Alfred who wore the slightest of smirks. "You know."

"Yes." Alfred replied instead, while he gave me an expectant look as he waited for me to drink from the mug in my hands. This was a look that I now knew too well, so I instinctively began to sip the warm tea. "Batman and Catwoman are... involved."

I froze suddenly choking on my tea. Daring a glance at Bruce to find his face a neutral as every, but that didn't stop the smile on my lips as I pressed them tightly together to prevent myself from laughing. The realization that maybe Catwoman wasn't there to steal but for something else dawning on me.

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