17| Until I Bleed Out

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I let myself fall down on the bed, ignoring the disgust I felt. The physical exhaustions that I felt was quickly replaced my mental exhaustion after what just happened with Dick. His words still replaying in my mind, but I had to force a new determination to not let them affect me.

A loud thump in the hallway had me sitting up instinctively, without a second thought grabbed my whip slipping on my heeled boots and running into the hallway. There Kory was struggling to hold back two of the teens that belonged to that psycho family we've been running from. With a flick of my wrist my whip had wrapped around the boy's neck pulling him roughly towards me as he fell on his back. He twitching from the electricity that was running from the whip still wrapped around his neck.

At that moment Rachel and Gar stepped out of the room, brought out by all of the commotion. For a moment I wondered where Dick was during this little altercation, and realized that there was one more member of this odd family missing.

"Get her out of here, Gar." Kory yelled as she struggled to contain the girl. They didn't need to be told twice as they ran to the exit and towards the parking lot, I could only hope that Dick was somewhere outside incase there was trouble.

I was about to help Kory when the boy stood up, swinging his bat towards me. I had just enough time duck down and grab his arm twisting it back until he let go of the bat. Catching it before it hit the ground I tested it's weight in my hand, memories of Harley and the other girls coming back to me. "A friend of mine loves these." I commented as I twirled the bat in my hand. "Good thing she taught me how to use it."

Holding the bat with both my hand I slammed it down on the boys head, snapping the wooden toy in two. The boy fell down unconscious and I smiled as I looked over at Kory who had pushed the girl through the window. Kory and I shared a look of mutual appreciation before we ran towards the exit without a word.

Rachel and Gar were standing in the empty parking lot looking lost before their eyes met ours. "Where's Dick?"

"I don't know." I replied breathlessly, and at that moment the family reappeared infant of us. This time with a new addition to their family as they seemed to have replaced the father that Kory had burned to a crisp.

"Fuck. Stand back. Get behind me. It's time to burn, assholes." Kory ordered as she raised her arms up protectively, while Rachel, Gar and I immediately did as we were told not wanting to get caught in the crossfire of her deadly abilities. Unfortunately, things didn't go as Planned as Kory's palms burned bright before practically fizzling out. "Fucking night!"

"Well that was anticlimactic." I muttered feeling slightly disappointed that Kory wasn't going to fry these people to a crisp and end it all. Stepping forward I tightened my grip on the handle of my whip preparing for another fight.

Suddenly, I heard to familiar sound of gas canisters hitting the ground. I almost smiled at the memory of all of Bruce and Dick's little toys, instead I held my breath as the gas spread through the air familiar with its effects. As Dick emerged from the fog of gas I had to force myself not to roll my eyes, but it was also odd to see him back in his Robin suit.

"Dick?" Rachel questioned as she looked up at him in awe.

Gar had a similar look on his face as he shook his head. "That's Robin."

"About time you showed up." I yelled, while the kids looked up at him like they were seeing Superman. "But you always did like to make a dramatic entrance."

Dick wordlessly jumped off the roof of the car and started the fight against the family. For a moment it was only Dick, Kory and I, until Gar and Rachel seemed to gain the courage necessary to join in on the fight. It was slightly frustrating being limited in how much I could fight considering that I wasn't in the right attire. Now I realized that I had to make more conscious decisions about how to dress for the rest of this little trip.

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