14| Mutual Understanding

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"Did you tell him?" I questioned as i continued to pace around the room, my nerves on edge after that discussion with Bruce. It was probably the longest conversation that I've had with him, and it couldn't have gone worse. Although I felt confident when I told him that I was going to stay until the charity event, I know had the feeling that I should have expected his offer to leave with whoever those women were. But that truth was that I was beginning to tire of this training that felt like it was leading me nowhere. I accepted to train in a moment of anger after having discovered to had my parents killed.

Before they were just faceless criminals, and a part of me wished it could have remained that way. I knew what my reality was, I would never have the courage to go against those people. At least now I knew how to control my powers a little better, maybe it was time to leave.

"No. Didn't have to." Dick replied as he continued to study me, although he was casually seated on the edge of my bed I could see that. "Bruce knows everything."

I stopped in front of him, Bruce's face in the back of my mind because it didn't matter that I had been living in Wayne Manor for some time now. Bruce still scared me a little, mostly the idea that someone could so easily ditch themselves from all emotion. "That's kind of scary right?"

"You learn to get used to it." He ensured, though he didn't seem very convinced of his own words. "Eventually."

I took a seat beside Dick, and although this was technically my room and my bed that didn't stop my heart from beating rapidly in my chest. It was odd that I never felt like this before, considering that I train with Dick almost everyday. Everyday, and I still seemed to not know very much about him. 

"Just out of curiosity," I began not completely sure where I wanted to go with this conversation. "do plan to always be fighting crime with Bruce? Do you ever see yourself giving all of this up?"

Dick seemed to truly consider my question, a question that I already knew the answer to. Every time that he was in the Robin suit it was clear how much he loved and relied on it. It seemed to be his outlet for the anger he still felt for the murder of his parents. In that regard he and Bruce weren't very different. And truthfully I was afraid of the same happening to me. "No, I mean Bruce has the Justice League. I want to be part of a team of my own."

"So, like a Junior Justice League?"

Dick looked truly offended at my words as he stood, similar to when I told him the heroes wore spandex. Oddly, enough it was weird to think of Batman without Robin and I also thought about how truly lonely Bruce would be without Dick. "No, not a Jr. Justice League. We would be our own team, get out of our mentor's shadows. Donna and I have been discussing it for a while now."


"Wonder Girl." He replied quickly not attempting to hide the passion that he seemed to have for this project. "I can't wait for you to meet her. She's my best friend. We've been friends since Bruce took me in."

I smiled at seeing Dick finally talk about anything that wasn't related to Batman or putting away Gotham's criminals. Being Robin seemed to be his entire life, and knowing that the mask and cape wasn't his entire world was comforting. Yet, I couldn't ignore the fact that he had failed to answer my last question.  "I can't wait to meet her."

Dick's eyes seemed to light up at my words as he stood almost as if he couldn't control his excitement. "She's going to be at the charity event with Diana."

"You keep throwing all these names at me like I'm supposed to know who they are."

"You'll meet them all in time." He assured me, and the fact that he already seemed to be thinking so far ahead into the future unsettled me. Always having lived a simple life, it was hard to think too much about the future. Especially when you lived in Gotham and had to be grateful for making it another day, unless you were part of Gotham's elite.

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