06| House of Memories

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After having visited my mother's shop I wasn't sure if I could handle going to my apartment. Everything that she had worked for was in those these two places. Everything that I have was here. 

Going back to the shop that my mother worked so hard to keep running wasn't easy. Especially now because not only was I homeless, but also unemployed. If I thought going into the shop was  practically unbearable this was a million times worse.

Stepping inside the apartment I froze, not sure about what I was supposed to do or say. A part of me really wished that Dick wouldn't have come all the way up here with me, but it was obvious that he wasn't going to be persuaded otherwise. 

I was at a point where I wanted to sit in a corner and cry myself to sleep. But there was now way that I would cry in front of Dick, he already saw me like a small girl that needed saving. 

Looking around the apartment the place was a complete mess, everything that I owned was practically destroyed. The photos, furniture, everything was either destroyed or gone. 

"Batman and I suspect that they took many of your things, because they want your DNA."Dick began to say and I could honestly care less. Everything he was saying was just background noise. "Possibly to see if they could replicate your abilities."

I did't say anything. I didn't know if I could even if I wanted to. 

Taking a closer look at everything, it seemed that not everything was lost. I could clean up the place work to get new furniture. There were things that could be replaced.

What couldn't be replaced was my mother's home. 

"I know what you're probably thinking." Dick whispered, and a part of me felt angry because I didn't want his pity. He might know everything about be. but he didn't know who I was. "You can't stay here. They will come back."

I was about to walk into my room when I accidentally stepped on some glass, causing me to look down at my feet. Lifting my foot I saw that I had stepped on a picture frame that I immediately bent down to pick up. 

The photo was taken a couple of years ago on my fifteen birthday. Before my mother had met my stepfather. I could still remember how upset my mother was that I couldn't have a quinceanera like other girls in my grade. That night it was just the two of us and a cake that she baked. 

Looking down at the broken frame and the photo with the burned edges, the sadness that I initially felt turned into something dark. 

It became anger and hatred. And now that I knew what happened to my parents I wanted to do something about it. I wanted the people that took them away from me to pay for it. 

I wanted revenge.

All these feeling were ones that I had never felt before. They were overwhelming, but at the same time empowering. I couldn't continue to be a scared girl that had to hide from her problems. 

And now I had something that made me stronger. 

I just didn't know how to use it or how to begin to understand what I can do. 


"Are you okay?" Dick asked me as we stopped in front of my room. I've only slept here one night and I wasn't sure that I could do it again. I simply wasn't comfortable because I still had no idea where we were as exciting and entering this place Dick had to blindfold me. 

According to him Batman didn't want me to know where is security hideout was. I couldn't blame him, the man probably had half the city as his enemy. But that only added to my uneasiness. Not only did I not know where I was, but I was here with people that I didn't know a single thing about. 

Sure, Dick and Alfred were both nice to me. That didn't change the fact that they were both strangers.

I opened the door to the room I was staying in and stopped at his words. He knew I wasn't okay, but he still asked. There was no reason why he should want to help me, but he still took me half way across the city. 

"You know when you said you and Batman could help me with my...abilities?" I asked as I turned around to face him, sure if he would still want to commit to helping me in that way. 

Dick took a step forward and smiled and I had to do everything in my power not to step away from him. But that didn't stop me from looking away not wanting to meet his eyes. "Yeah. Have you thought about it?"

I could feel my heart practically leaping out of my chest. Only an hour ago I was determined that this was what I wanted, and now I wasn't so sure. Realistically there was no way that I would be able to do what Batman and Robin did. I just didn't have the confidence or ability to do so. 

How could someone like me every be like Wonder Woman or Black Canary?

But, I couldn't let other people get hurt the way I have been, Or let children lose their parents like I lost mine. I couldn't do nothing. 

"I want to learn." I found myself telling him, not completely sure whether or not I was making a mistake. How could I trust someone that I didn't know a single thing about? "I want to know how to be able to use these powers. And I'm not saying that I want jump off buildings in tights and a mask. But I just want to know how to protect myself."

 I was still couldn't believe that I was making a ridiculously stupid decision by trusting these people. There was clearly something psychologically wrong with them. There had be. 

"First, we don't wear tights." Dick corrected, acting if he was truly affected by my words. "But, we can start tomorrow. Good night."

Without another word he turned around and left me alone in this corner of whatever this place was. Considering it was now later, there was no doubt in my mind that he and Batman were no off to fight the criminals of Gotham. 

I sat on the bed feeling restless. There were so many questions that I wanted answers to, and that I knew I would never get if I asked. In a split second decision I stood up and stepped out of my room, pausing to hear for any sounds.

But it was completely silent. I bit my lip nervously not sure if I should do what I was thinking about. After all there was the possibility that I wouldn't be able to do this at all. I looked around at all the computers around this place, and I wasn't sure which one to choose, there were so many. All seeming to have different functions.

All I needed was to do a quick internet search to get some of the answers that I needed. And I think that I might have enough information to be able to get the answers I needed. 


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