29| The Threat of Trigon

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We all rushed out of the car towards Kory who was absently looking up at the large abandoned warehouse that we followed her to. We drove for miles in get here in complete silence, and I couldn't be more glad to see Kory even after everything that just happened. When Kory turned to face us she seemed distant though her eyes focused on Donna with curiosity. "Who is she?"

"I'm the person who knocked you out." Donna declared confidently, though Kory didn't seem impressed.

"Bet you can't do it twice."

Kory's response caused a smile to hug at my lips however Dick quickly approached Kory with determination and a clear intent to stop any further arguing. "Kory, whatever this is you're going through, please, let us help."

"I don't need your help."

I stepped closer to Kory knowing that she was going through some identity crisis at the moment. "Your memories are coming back. Aren't they?"

"Yeah. But nothing makes sense. I can't make order to anything. All I know is I tried to kill a girl that I love and I don't know why." Kory explained desperately as she looked up at the old building. "But the answer is in here."

Dick, Donna and I watched Kory silently as she approached the large chained double doors. Getting a hold of the thick chains Kory effortlessly crushed it in her hand allowing her to open the large doors that led into the warehouse. And although the three of us followed Kory inside the large empty building, I could feel our shared hesitation as we did so.

We came to a stop just behind Kory at the center of the room, as suddenly a purple light emitted from nothing. It shinned down at us, scanning us from top to bottom the shock of it all resulted in my feet being firmly planted on the ground.

Before I had time to fully process the purpose for the full body scan a massive space ship appeared in the empty space I front of us. The sight of it it taking my breath away a it loomed over us. I had to fight the urge to step back as the ship's entrance opened revealing steps that led into the intimidating entryway.

"This ship... I know it." Kory stayed in disbelief as she looked back at us. There we so many emotions in her eyes it was difficult to know exactly she was feeling. "It's mine."

"Koriand'r." A disembodied voice greeted, the words echoing throughout the building.

"X'Hal." Kory replied breathlessly, almost seeming relieved. Instantly she was climbing up the steps into the ship and seeing as the rest of us really didn't have much of a choice we wordlessly followed. I could feel the blood pumping erratically through my veins at the disbelief that I was entering an alien spaceship.

Once inside the ship I was astonished by the technology inside, it seemed far more advanced than anything from this world.

"How can you possibly forget this?" Donna questioned in disbelief as we walked further into the ship taking in our surroundings. Kory didn't reply as she looked straight ahead, clearly overwhelmed by the truth of her memories.

When Kory finally turned to us for the first time she seemed confident about all of this. Even if she always radiated in confidence there always was a distant look in her eyes that revealed a certain amount of uncertainty in herself. "I come from a planet called Tamaran."

"Anything else coming back?" Dick questioned as he continued to study the interior of the ship. Usually I would have let my curiosity take over and would have began inspecting the place too, however the distant look in Kory's eyes worried me.

"These images in my head, but they're moving too fast. I remember I came here to Earth on this ship." Kory replied as she looked around the space before approaching a brightly light console that held an ancient looking book on top of it. "I remember standing at this console."

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