03| Save You Tonight

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I watched from across the street as this mysterious family got out of their mini van. Before they were just a mysterious family, now they were murders who were after Dick Grayson and I couldn't understand why. There was no way they could know about him being Robin, he and Bruce were too smart and cautious. Always one step ahead, there was just no way the they could know about their alter egos.

Stepping out of my car I opened the trunk pulling a metal case towards me. It has been years since I had opened it, and yet I couldn't seem to throw it out regardless. Pressing my thumb on the scanner I waited for a moment until the case clicked open.

There was a moment of hesitation as I swung the case open seeing the black and blue suit inside made me realize all the mistakes I have done in the past. Yet, I wouldn't take any of them back regardless. I became stronger because of them.

Pushing aside the fabrics I opened another compartment and pulled of my whip, quickly attaching it to my hip. I heard fighting up on the roof and not wasting another second I ran into the apartment building and up the flight up stairs leading to the building.

Pushing the door leading up to the roof open I watched the moment as a woman was mid-air before she falling from the edge of the roof, what I assumed was her name being yelled out desperately. Without a moments hesitation I removed the whip from my hip lashing it out as it wrapped around the ankle of the girl that I had bumped into the other day. In one motion I pulled back on the whip and she was fell to the floor being dragged to my feet.

My plan wasn't to hurt her, she was just a kid. But I was surprised by how quickly she got to her feet and was ready to fight.

Dick and a man I didn't recognize froze for a moment as they looked at me, but continued fighting as it was clear that we were the losing side. I couldn't understand why until the girl hit me in the chest, all the air leaving my lungs. It was impossible for a girl like her to have this much strength, she had to be a meta. And looking at how the rest of her family gaining the upper hand on Dick and his friend it seemed that they were meta-humans too.

Beginning to fight the girl I realized that raking her down wasn't going to be as easy as I initially believed it to be. As she made an attempting to punch me I grabbed a hold go her wrist. Quickly wrapping my whip around her wrist I shifted our weight so that I was able to flip her over on her back and I let my electricity flow down into the whip and electrocuting her. Just enough to make sure she wouldn't wake up at least for another couple of hours.

"Cheyenne!" I heard my name being called and I turned around to find Dick struggling in gaining the upper hand between the mother and father. Pressing the small button on the handle of the whip it shortened and turned into a staff that I threw in Dick's direction. He caught it without hesitation using it to knock down the mother, but I couldn't continue watching as I focused on the fight that I was now currently in.

The boy came forward but not having my whip with me I had to resort to just hand to hand combat. Running forward and with a small jump I was able to wrap my legs around the boys torso pulling him down on the ground. Getting a piece of wood from what seemed to be the remains of a bird cage I got a hold of it putting it against him neck to keep him down. The thought of continuing to us my powers against these kids made me uncomfortable. It just didn't seem right.

"They're after Rachel. They're after the girl." Dick tried to tell me but as he did the father kicked him back, causing Dick to loose his balance and fall off the edge. Before I had a chance to react I heard another crash and found Dick's friend being held down and being choked with my whip that Dick had dropped before his fall.

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