04| Truth and Lies

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I looked in the mirror covered in condensation from my warm shower. Gripping the edges of the sink I nervously bit my lip not sure if I was ready to leave this room yet. A part of me wanted to remain in blissful ignorance, but I also couldn't live not knowing.

One thing I did know is that when I stepped out of this door I would have to have Batman again. That itself made me want to stay locked up in this bathroom. But there was also the fact that he was going to tell me what the hell was going on with me and why those people attacked me. Though I had no doubt it was for the meta-human trafficking that had been on the new for the past month.

I had to be honest and say that I was surprised that both Batman and his sidekick had even saved be considering that there was a breakout at Arkham. It made me wonder if they were human at all.

Taking a quick look at myself, still surprised that they had my correct sizes in everything from jean and shoe size. Though I probably shouldn't since they seemed to already know more about me than I did.

There was a small knock on the door that made me jump, knocking over the hand soap that was on the sink. "Miss Freemont is everything alright in there?" I heard Alfred say from the other side of the door and nodded before I realized that he couldn't see me.

"I'll be out in a minute." I told him softly as I picked up the soap from the floor and setting it on the counter again. I had to remind myself to breath as I finally decided to show my face to a bunch of strangers who although for good reason have kidnapped me. If this was even considered kidnapping.

I walked out of the bathroom expecting Alfred to be waiting for me on the other side, only to find that I was completely alone. A part of me wanted to sigh in relief thinking that maybe I could find a way to escape without anyone noticing, but I also had a feeling that we were underground and far away from Gotham.

I was still in whatever cavelike structure this was, but looking around at all the technology, gadgets and rows of different suits all in glass cases I wondered how they were able to afford any of this. Did Batman and Robin work? Or was crime fighting all they did?

But doing any of that gave them nothing in return. Gotham has given them nothing in return regardless of all they have done for Gotham.

Letting my curiosity get the better of my I walked over to the the suits and cowls in glass displays. Looking at them up close I realized how beautiful they were. They design themselves was breath taking. But I couldn't help but think of all of the improvements that could be done or materials to make the clearly heavy suits lighter.

I placed my hand on the glass as I took a closer look at the red and green Robin suit. A part of me tested to open up the case and get a closer look. Suddenly someone cleared their throat behind me causing me to gasp. I had to curse myself for being to jumpy as I turned around to find Alfred holding a tray.

"So it seems that you finally decided to leave the comfort of the bathroom. I have to say I was expecting for you to stay in there all night." Alfred stated as he set down a tray of tea on the table in front of me. "Speaking of I've set up a temporary bedroom for you on the you Master's orders."

"Where is he?" I asked slowly feeling extremely uncomfortable. It had nothing to do with Alfred and everything to do with the fact that he had apparently set up a room for me. They had to be insane if the actually believed that I would stay here. I had every intention of hearing whatever secrets they knew about me and never seeing them again.

"They should be arriving soon."

"A lot sooner than you think Alfred." A familiar voice said, and I turned around just as Dick stepped out of the elevator followed by Batman. It was such an odd thing to see him walking around so freely in regular clothes and not caring about the fact that I now knew his face and him name. A great contrast to Batman who was still wearing his suit and seeming to want to stay as far away from me as possible.

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