12| Conflicts

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I had somehow convinced myself that last night's events were some kind of dream, even if the empty mug on my bedside table told me otherwise. There were so many thoughts and emotions running through my head, all of them so overwhelming that all I wanted to do was leave this place to rid myself of them.

Yet, all those thoughts seemed to disappear when I opened my door to find Dick Grayson standing in the hallway.

Surprisingly, he seemed slightly uncomfortable. Or maybe he was simply tired, as he seemed to have had a long night from the deep purple bruise on his cheek.

"Good morning." He greeted as he pushed himself off the railing, taking one small step towards me.

"Good morning." I replied as I shut the door behind me, but couldn't seem to move from my spot against the wall. Feeling that it was the only thing giving me the ability to stand. "Seems like you had a rough night."

"Oh this?" Dick said after a moment of slight confusion, as his fingertips brushed the bruise on his cheek. "You should see the other guys."

I smiled slightly, because I could imagine that those 'other guys' must be safely locked up at the GCPD or Arkham Asylum. "I can imagine."

"Are we okay?"

Looking away from him, I fell into my horrible habit of overthinking every situation. I wasn't sure what he expected me to say, or whether he thought that last night was a mistake and wanted to move on. Somehow I hoped that was true, because it seemed like the easier alternative. "Yeah, we're fine."

"So you want to pretend that nothing happened?"

The slight amused tone in Dick's voice was what made me look up into his dark eyes. His usual confident self seeming to come back to him. "What do you want?"

"Why do you ask questions that you already know the answer to?"

"And why do we keep asking each other questions that we seem to refuse to answer?" I questioned in return, and this response made him smile. "We're just going around in circles."

In a rare burst of courage that seemed to only appear with anything related to the boy in front of me, I pulled him closer by his shirt closing the gap between us. Dick smiled down at me as he placed his hands on both sides of my face, before bringing his lips down to mine. I was surprised at how gentle Dick was being, as I expected the heated kiss from last night. But his lips still had the same effect of taking me into a state of euphoria that I had never felt before. "I wasn't sure how you would react, but this wasn't it."

"Well, if you think about it we don't really know each other that well."

"That's going to change." He replied confidently as he brushed his thumb against my cheek. And even as he pulled away I could still feel the ghost of his touch. "We should go. They're probably waiting for us to start breakfast."

I nodded as we made our way down the large staircase, and as we entered the elegant dinning room I froze for just a moment. Of course, Bruce was already seated reading a newspaper which was no surprise as he was always early during meal times. My hesitation wasn't due to the fact that Bruce was in the room, but my expectation that he would say something about Dick and I. He always seemed to know everything, and for some reason I had a feeling this was no exception.

I took my usual set to Bruce's left as Dick took his on the right. Sitting directly across from each other I felt Dick's gaze linger on me for a moment before he began eating the meal already set in from of us. Bruce didn't acknowledge our presence as he set his newspaper down and began eating himself. We all then continued to eat in a silence that was the farthest thing from comfortable, I could almost imagine a ticking time bomb in the corner of the room.

"Have you bought your suit for the GCPD charity event? Bruce suddenly asked breaking the silence, and quietly let out a sigh of relief. This was the first time I heard of this event, and I was glad to not be the focus of any conversation.

"No. Theres still time." Dick replied as he took a sip from his orange juice. And although his posture was relaxed, I noticed a small flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. "Since we're on the topic, I just wanted to get your permission to buy a dress for Chey to wear to the event."

At the mention of my name I looked up at Dick, practically feeling my eyes turn into daggers. I wasn't sure if my anger was due to the fact that Dick had failed to mention any of this to me or if it was because I was now the center of attention.

"Three months is a long time from now Dick." Bruce replied in a calculated tone. He set his fork down on the table and seemed to prepare himself. "I was reconsidering the idea to send Cheyenne to Dinah Lance or Diane Crock. They have experience training enhanced individuals like Cheyenne."

"I don't think that's necessary Bruce." Dick stated firmly, and I could see him visibly tense as his hand tightened around his fork. The movement was so slight I wasn't sure it even happened. I also notice my anger increasing at the fact that they were both discussing what to do with me like if i was an object.

Or like I wasn't seated at the table while they were doing so.

"I think it's Cheyenne's choice."

"Then why are we talking about her like she isn't seated at this table." Dick countered his voice raising slightly as he stared at Bruce, almost as if he was challenging his adopted father. And the last thing that I wanted was to come in-between the two. They already seemed to have such a fragile relationship to begin with. Though I could only conclude that it was due to how guarded Bruce seemed to be, but his love for Dick was clear in some rare moments. "Or saying that we could send her away like some package."

"Like I said it's her choice."

Suddenly all eyes were on me, even Alfred who was silently standing in the corner seemed to be awaiting my response. In an instant I felt as if all my blood was rushing to my face, the weight of my decision almost unbearable. Had I been given this option yesterday morning, there would be no hesitation in my decision. Because, the truth was that I would have gladly agreed to go. Get away from all the expectations the people in this room seemed to have for me.

That need to escape this place, was a need that I could no longer remember. All because Dick Grayson decided to visit my room last night. Now I couldn't find it within myself to just leave.

Ignoring Dick gaze, I focused my full attention to Bruce who still refused to give away anything. "You've been very kind to me Bruce. And I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome."

"It had been our pleasure to have you." Alfred stated as he moved beside Bruce. "I am sure Master Wayne would be delighted if you choose to remain with us. Isn't it right sir?"

I watched as Bruce slowly looked up to meet Alfred's eyes. I almost though that I imagined the slight tightening on his jaw as he turned to me with a passive expression. "Of course."

Although I agreed to stay a while longer, I also made it clear that I wasn't planning on staying past the charity event in three months. I didn't think I could continue living this way for much longer. For a large majority of my life I had been working to keep a roof over my head and spending my day sitting around doing nothing like I was now had me feeling like I was caged. And even the idea of being with Dick didn't change that.


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