10| Potential

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It was impossible for me to fully comprehend why Dick seemed to enjoy training, when every bone and muscle in my body seemed to protest with almost every movement. Now that I was a couple weeks into this training routine that Dick had created for me, he seemed to be increasing the intensity level with every sessions. Regardless of how long I had been training with him now my body screamed in pain at the end of the day. 

Now he was teaching me more intense blocking exercises, and unlike before it was clear that he was no longer holding back. Usually when I started to panic or my heart beat was becoming uncontrollable the lights around me would starts to flicker. And that's what was happening right now. 

Suddenly distracted by the frustration of my inability to keep this under control I almost missed Dick's fist coming at me, and in a last minute move I got a hold of his arm. Before I knew it blue and white sparks were flowing from my hand to his arm. If it wasn't for the special gear he was wearing I was sure to have electrocuted him. 

I immediately released him backing away, although I knew I couldn't hurt him and it was irrational for me to be acting this way, I couldn't shake this feeling that I was a lost cause. "I'm sorry. I... I didn't mean to."

"It's fine." He assured be though it was anything but fine. I knew he was just trying to be nice, he was always trying to be nice to me. "You're getting much better."

"Even if I became as good a fighter as you, what purpose would it have if I can't even control my powers?" I questioned, beginning to feel frustrated at myself. At this point in training I felt that I should at least be proficient enough to prove myself to Dick and Bruce. Feeling that I was only and unnecessary and unwanted guest to Bruce, and disappointing Dick who seemed to believe that I could actually do this. 

"Maybe you just need an incentive to keep your abilities under control." Dick suggested, and I didn't have a moment to fully process what he meant when he was suddenly taking off his gloves and pulling his shirt over his head. 

I didn't give myself the opportunity to even  really glance at him as I turned around immediately, feeling that there was no other way to respond to this situation. And though I really didn't have the chance to look at him I felt my heart beating rapidly in my chest and my blood rushing through my veins effectively making me blush. "What are you doing?" 

"Giving you incentive."

"How is taking off your shirt giving me incentive?" I questioned fighting the urge to simply leave the room a pretend that any of this didn't happen. It was completely possible that I was simply overreacting and making this situation awkward myself, but I couldn't bring myself to act as if any of this was normal. 

"Because now if you touch me there's no protective barrier...so you can possibly kill me."

I wanted to laugh this plan seemed so ridiculous and stupid. I could kill him. I still had absolutely no control over my powers. "Right. I don't think that's a very good idea."

"We should try it. Why won't you look at me Cheyenne?" He questioned and the hint of amusement in his voice irritated me in a way that I couldn't explain. Although the rational part of me told me that playing along with whatever it was he was planning was a horrible I idea, I turned around against my better judgment.

"I could kill you." I told him never breaking eye contact, promising myself that I wouldn't look anywhere else. 

"I trust you."

"I don't."

"Then that right there is your problem. You have to trust yourself to gain control of your powers." Dick stated firmly also never breaking eye contact, he took a step closer and as he did my hand automatically went up before he got any closer. In that moment I forgot that he wasn't wearing a shirt, and it wasn't until my mind registered the warmth of his skin that I realized what I had just done. 

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