26| The Gotham City Sirens

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I was aware of my deep rooted selfishness, my need to have him for just one more night. Because he would never be mine again, and as I looked out into the darkness I wondered if in a couple of years he would remember me at all.  As dawn approached I knew there was no moment to spare but the moment I shifted on the bed Dick's arm tightened around my waist. Slowly I removed his arm and sat at the edge of the bed reaching for the closest item of clothing. 

"Where are you going?" Dick questioned as his warm hands caressed the skin on my back, and I closed my eyes wanting to remember even this slight touch. 

"Bathroom." I replied as I slipped his t-shirt over my head before turning around and pressing a quick kiss on his lips. "Go back to sleep."

"One more kiss?" A sleepy smile touched his and I returned his smile as I slowly brushed a strand of hair away from his forehead before bringing my lips to his again. In this moment I wanted to tell, but that would only be cruel. Telling him now would only hurt him more than I was going to. Instead I tried to tell him through this kiss. 

Pulling away I took in his features before standing up and slipping into my jeans and flats. As I opened door I felt Dick's gaze still on me I expected his eyes to be filled with suspicion, but he simply seemed to be admiring me. The sight alone was enough for me to feel the sting of tears in the back of my eyes, instead I forced a smile before leaving his room. "Go back to sleep."

Quickly I slipped into my room and grabbed the bag that I already had packed in the morning, before I stepping back out into the empty hallway. I wasn't as skilled as Bruce or Dick, that was why I had to use the window on the East wing of the manor the one that beside the large oak tree. It was the same window I used two nights, and when I opened the window I was hit with the same unwelcoming bitter cold air. 

"Miss Freemont it is a rather chilly night." Alfred's voice made my blood run cold, knowing that I had been caught before I even made it out the window was humiliating all on its own. Turning around to face him I was surprised to find the he didn't look angry, in fact he seemed saddened by my attempted escape. "May I suggest you take your coat."

I felt my mouth go dry and my ability to speak seemed to have disappeared entirely. I regained all my senses as the realization that they were expecting this set in. "Alfred..."

"There's no need for an explanation Miss Freemont." He replied as he held up my coat, numbly I placed my bag on the floor and allowed Alfred to help me into it. Although it was clear that Alfred wasn't going to try to stop me my heart was beating rapidly in my chest at the thought of Dick waking up. I wouldn't be able to bare the look in his eyes if he found me trying to leave him.

With trembling hands I picked up my bag and pulled out my sketch book handing it towards Alfred. Even if I was leaving and I couldn't even leave Dick a note goodbye I wanted to leave something behind.  "Alfred can you give this to Bruce?"

Alfred simply nodded as he took the book, the same disappointed expression in his eyes that surprisingly tore at my heart. "It was a pleasure Miss Freemont."

"Thank you." I replied honestly before slipping out the window, already familiar with how to leave the mansion unseen. A part of me didn't want to think too deeply about my interaction with Alfred or what it meant. Cleary there was no intention of stopping me, so maybe the elaborate escape wasn't necessary even if it felt like it was. 

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