19| Ghosts of the Past

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After my call with Dick telling us to come to Chicago I realized that this situation was far from being over. Apparently the man who sent the family after us was named Adamson, however he didn't seem to be the man orchestrating all of these attempts at capturing Rachel.

We mostly drove in silence, and I wondered if any of the other slept at all last night. I know I certainly didn't and it was beginning to show as Kory volunteered to be the one to drive. "I have questions. So many questions."

I turned around to face Gar who was looking at me with eager eyes, already having my suspicions about what he was going to ask. It wasn't surprising that the idea of superheroes excited Garfield, not when he was powers himself. He probably had dream of becoming a superhero himself, what other reason would he agree to go n this dangerous mission with a group of strangers. "I might answer some of them."

"Then I have to pick them wisely." Gar muttered under his breath deep in thought. "Okay! How about how you and Dick are friends when he's Robin and you're a Siren. Aren't you supposed to be enemies?"

I turned the question over in my head wondering exactly how I should answer it. There was too much history there to try to explain, and most I didn't want to talk about it at all. What would I give such personal details of my life to a boy I would never see again after we solved Rachel's problem? "Well I knew Dick before I became a Siren. I would hardly call us friends though."

"Then what would you call yourselves?" Rachel questioned a knowing smile on her lips. Causing Kory who had been quiet until now to chuckle softly to herself.


"No. You're totally friends. I mean how can you two even be in the same room after you and the Sirens were members of the Injustice League?" Gar continued and I was surprised about just how much he knew. My time with the Injustice League was brief and I would hardly have considered myself a member.

"I would hardly call myself a member of the Injustice League. Joining them was a mistake, they are all misogynistic assholes who could care less about its female members." I replied almost bitterly, remember Lex Luther with a mad taste in my mouth. "And we're adult we can put aside our differences."

Kory chuckled again and this time faced me looking abused. "You and Dick sure know how to keep your secrets."

"People are boring unless they have secrets."


"This is awesome." Gar commented as we stood at the entrance of one of Bruce's dafe houses. Of course no one else knew this but me, yet Gar still seemed excited possibly already guessing that this building belonged to Batman. He waived enthusiastically up at the camera until the doors to an elevator opened. Stepping inside I felt Gar's excited energy coming off of him in waves, and he was the first one out of the elevator when the door's opened.

"Who are your friends?" A young boy who looked only slightly older than Gar and Rachel questioned as he looked between us in mild curiosity.

"Not important." Dick stated firmly clearly in a horrible mood. Whoever this boy was Dick was not pleased that he was here at all, though there was another emotion in his eyes that was more difficult to place than simple annoyance.

Kory crossed her arms over her chest as she inspected our new friend. "Who's he?"

"Not important."

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