11| Doom Patrol

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Kory and I were impatiently sitting in the car watching Dick break the chains to the rusted gates that were supposed to lead us to the abandoned Caulder Manor. Throughout the drive here there was a heavy tension between all of us from the events that had just occurred. To Dick's out of character actions and the line was very close to crossing. I'm sure that Kory had many suspicions or questions, but she seemed to be holding back on them. Possibly waiting until we finally got Rachel back.

"He should have just let me blast the gates down." Kory commented, crossing her arms over her chest in irritation. Though I didn't know Kory for long one thing was obvious, and she like to act immediately. A part of me couldn't help but think that The Sirens would have loved her.

"Yes, but that's not the way he likes to do things." I replied, getting irritated myself watching him struggle. He was lacking control now and wasn't thinking straight. Something that wasn't like Dick at all, the Dick that I used to know was always focused.

Kory moved forward, sticking her head between the seats. "So you want to tell me what happened back there?"

And there was the question that I was expecting, however I didn't expect her to ask me. Only because I honestly didn't know or understand the change that had happened within Dick. All I knew was that it had something to do with Bruce Wayne, and that was something that I couldn't tell Kory. "I don't know."

"You must know something."

I wish I knew something. I wanted to help him with whatever it was that he was going through, though I knew better because Dick Grayson was no longer someone that I should be caring after. Considering that once I was sure that Rachel was safe I was planning on putting as much distance as possible between Dick Grayson and I.

I turned towards Kory as she looked at me intently, waiting for my response. "Dick Grayson is a mystery."

Kory rolled her eyes and sighed, falling backing into her seat. "Yeah, so are you."

I laughed, realizing that we were all a bunch of strangers who knew nothing about one another. "You're one to talk. You know absolutely nothing about yourself."

"Yeah, looks like we all have our secrets. How are we working together again?" She questioned, and for the first time I realized just how true her words were. We knew absolutely nothing about one another, yet we were working together. The only thing keeping us together being Rachel, and I could only wonder how long any of this would last with all the secrets that we held.

We weren't able to finish our conversation as Dick approached the car, the rusty gates to the seemingly abandoned manor now wide open.

"Finally Boy Wonder. I was about to get out of this car and help you myself." I stated as Dick claimed into the car, turning on the engine.

Dick's hands tightened around the steering wheel as he glared at me. "It wasn't as easy as it looked."

"Whatever you say." I muttered as I leaned back against the seat, I was quickly beginning to learn that this new Dick was one who's buttons shouldn't be pushed. Especially when he was as on edge as he was now. "But I have to say you have become such bore. Now drive."

The road was one that was clearly not driven on often, and I would have thought that this would have been a dead end if it wasn't for the fact that the lights to the old manor were flickering throughout the entire building.

"Rachel." Kory muttered as we stepped out of the car and hurried up the steps to the manor. The large oak doors were surprisingly unlocked, undoubtedly because no one was expected to ever come near the area.

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