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After having gotten my things from my car, which was still parked outside of Hank and Dawn's apartment building, I was now sitting in the passengers seat of Dick's Porsche. We were now on our way to the last location where Rachel was taken by an unknown woman. 

I didn't know what I was expecting when I decided to continue working on this case with Dick, but I definitely wasn't expecting it to be as awkward as the past hour has been. We haven't said a word to each other, but Dick has been continuing to periodically steal glances at me.

I've been simply ignoring them as I stared out the car window at all the scenery, but I was starting to become anxious. "Just say it already." I tell him as I look away from the window.

"Why did you do it?" He asks as his grip on the steering wheel tightens. Dick looks over at me again this time looking me in the eyes, and I'm surprised by all the anger I see in them. Though I am well aware I deserve every anger infused glance. "Why did you leave?"

"Wow." I said as I adjust myself in my seat and give him a small smile. "I was just expecting you to tell me how pretty you think I am."

Dick looks caught of guard as he looks at me again. Expect this time seeming to actually look at me for the first time. Before he didn't seem to meet my eyes or would talk to a point somewhere behind me. But now he seemed to study me as his eyes ran down the length of my body. "What?"

"Well you can't keep your eyes off me." I tell him as I smile a little brighter trying to lift all the tension in this car. At the same time trying to avoid the subject all together. 

But Dick doesn't seem to want to let the subject go. "I'm being serious. Why did you go?"

I look at him for a moment realizing how much he's changed. Not just physically, but when we were younger he was always one to make light of a situation is some way. Every time he looked at me it was with a smile on his face.

Now he seemed to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, leaving me to wonder what's changed. What happened to make him this way? My earlier words seeming like nothing more than naive lies I wanted to believe. That there was still some part of the Dick I loved sitting next to me. Maybe I was wrong. 

"It doesn't matter." I the response I give him as I look back out the window.

"It does matter." He insisted.

Looking over at him again, but knowing that there was no way that I could tell him the reason why, I decided to say nothing at all. I looked away again, but Dick continued to look over at me. I wasn't sure why, considering that I was sure he already knew I wasn't

"Just take a picture already." I said as I looked over at him again. He was still looking at me and I held his gaze for what felt like an eternity. "Keep your eyes on the road Dick."

"You've changed to much." he told me, and I wasn't sure if he meant it in a good or bad way. A part of me wished I knew what was going on inside his head. Knew exactly what he thought of me now. 

Because he was right. I have changed. And I wasn't the scared and lonely girl that he first knew.

"Well I can say the same about you Boy Wonder." I told him in a way that made it clear that I didn't want to have this conversation anymore. If this was going to work at all we would have to avoid talking about the past. It seemed that it was something that neither of us wanted to talk about. 

I was now at the point where I was beginning to regret doing this. I should have left the moment I was sure that Dawn was okay. 

What was I thinking getting in a stupid car that held so many different memories? Or accept going on a road trip with Dick who was better off never seeing me again?

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