21| Little Robin

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The lights in the speakeasy were dim, and it was clear that admission was limited as it wasn't overly crowded like many of the bars in Chicago. We had to leave Jason outside, due to his fake ID being obviously fake. Though I wasn't sure if he would be more trouble outside or inside.

"You know you didn't have to come." Dick stated as we made our way through the crowd of people towards the VIP lounge. Of course I knew that I didn't have to, in fact if everything went as planned Dick would ensure the safety of his old friend and we could focus on Rachel. And if it was any other murderer that Dick was facing I wouldn't have even bothered. But this wasn't just any murderer this was the son of the man who killed Dick's parents, a son who was seeking revenge for the murders of his own family. As much as I pretended not to care I realized the weight of this situation and couldn't find it in me to pretend.

"I know, but when you said we were going to a bar I couldn't resist." I replied dismissively. "Being around children for the last couple of days has become a bit much."

Dick didn't say anything, until he came to a stop a couple feet away from a man that I immediately recognized from the pictures Dick had shown me. When I turned towards Dick I noticed his sorrowful expression. Clearly this man meant something important to Dick and somehow it felt wrong to be a part of what was about to happen.

"If you need me I'll be by the bar." I told him before turning away. Although I was here with him I didn't want him thinking that I cared too deeply.

I leaned against the counter of the bar, looking down at my phone for any news from Kory. Oddly enough I was worried about Rachel and Gar, a feeling that I would have to rid myself of soon when all of this is over. Suddenly the bartender placed a drink in front of me. "That's from the gentlemen in the corner."

"Thank you." I replied with a smile as looked up to meet the expectant eyes from the man who got me the drink. He was handsome sure, a little older than me. Were it any other situation I probably could have used him for a night, only because I felt my walls begin to crack. And I knew how dangerous that could be.

Before I could think too much on the subject I felt a hand snake around my waist, followed by a familiar voice. "Miss me?"

"If you want to keep that hand you have three seconds to remove it." I stated flatly, and whatever Jason saw in my eyes had him removing his hand in an instant. Regardless of my words his confidence didn't falter as he looked around the bar in excitement.

"Why aren't you with Dick?"

I raised the glass of whiskey and smiled. "I was looking to get a free drink."

"That easy huh?" Jason questioned and I shrugged as I looked down at my drink, oddly enough not motivated to actually drink it. "Show me."

I took in them mischievous look in his eyes, a look that seemed to be common for Robins. Only that Jason's had a darker quality to it. Against my better judgment I found myself ready to play Jason't little game. Although I left Gotham the mischief that I had gained there hadn't left with me. "Alright." I stated as I slid the drink towards him. "Drink."

Jason didn't need to be told twice as he downed the drink quickly, and sliding the glass in front of me again. He was clearly attempting to show off, but he was young and I expected that behavior from a teen like him. "What's next?"

"Go to the other side of the bar. You'll know when you have to jump in." I told him, turning away I felt Jason move away. It was something simple, to get a man's attention. That was something Selina had taught me a long time ago. Most men liked to feel like a knight in shinning armor, there to swoop in if a damsel seemed to be in distress. They always looked for a way to boost their egos, at least the rotten one's did.

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