23| Torture Asylum

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We needed to get more information about Rachel, but it was clear that Adamson wouldn't give us anything. He was extremely loyal to this Organization and after almost an hour of attempting to get information out of him, our patience was running thin. And after his little resurrection stunt with Rachel we all felt a sense of uncertainty.

Kory who was leaning against the bathroom wall studied Adamson closely the familiar look of mild disinterest on her face. "How did you know she could do that?"

"I know everything about her. She will purify the world." Adamson replied cynically a crazed look in his eyes. His response left me unsure if he believed what he was saying or was taking us as fools.

"There's a prophecy that says Rachel will destroy the world."

Kory's statement only seemed to anger the man who arm was currently being twisted behind him back by Dick. And no matter the pain he seemed to be in, it also didn't seem to be enough to motivate him to speak anything useful. "An interpretation based on fear."

"What do you want with Rachel?" I questioned, although it was clear that it was something relating to her powers the words he was speaking seemed religious. I almost wondered if he was brainwashed himself. 

"She will purify the world." He repeated.

Dick applied more pressure to the man's arm but his defiance made it clear that he wasn't going to speak. I was surprised when Dick's eyes met mine as he released the man stepping aside. "Cheyenne?"

A small smile tugged on my lips as I simply wrapped my hand around his wrist. "Now, I'm not going ask again. What do you want with Rachel?"

He looked at me defiantly until he began to scream out in pain from the electricity that was now running through my fingertips. When he began gasping for breath I lowered my voltage to what was only a mild sting allowing him to speak.  "To reunite her with her father."

"Who is he?" Kory asked eagerly. "Where is he?

"I don't know. I swear. You can't stop him. Angela couldn't. Melissa couldn't." He continued hurriedly grinding his teeth together from the pain as I amplified the electricity that was running from me to him. In the reflection in the glass behind him I could see the reflection of my electric blue eyes shinning back at me, the realization that I felt nothing in torturing this man sinking in. "No one can keep Rachel from him."

Kory stepped forward now leaving her place against the wall, as Dick stood silently watching. "Who's Angela? You said she couldn't keep Rachel from him. Who is Angela?" 

"Her mother. Angela is her mother."

"Now we're getting somewhere." Kory stated as she met my eyes with excitement. "Let's talk." about Angela. 

Adamson became suddenly forthcoming with all the information that we asked of him. I could only wonder how we would tell all of this to Rachel, this was extremely heavy news for her to hear. Although once Dick had gathered all of us together he decided that going straight forward was the best way to navigate this situation. "He says your birth mother is still alive."

"What?" Rachel said he voice barely a whisper, though I completely understood her reaction. I couldn't imagine what she must be thinking in discovering the woman who she believed was her birth mother wasn't, only to find out that her real mother was still alive.

"He claims they've been holding her prisoner. He may be lying."

"He says your mother's name is Angela Azarath." I began, giving her the information that I knew she wanted to know. "They're holding her at an abandoned asylum. According to him, they want to keep you away from her."

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