08| Seeds of Doubt

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It was foolish of me to think that any of the computers in this place wouldn't be password protected. I went through half of what seemed like a hundred of the computers, giving up knowing I was simply wasting my time.

I felt even more foolish when I went back to my "room" to find that I had a laptop sitting on the coffee table beside my bed. Sitting down I picked up the computer to find a sticky note on top. 

To help make you feel at home. -Dick

I looked at the note for a moment before tossing it aside and opening the laptop eager to find the answers I desperately wanted. 

Surprisingly it was a lot easier than I expected. All it took was a couple Google searched and I was able to find the answer to what seemed to be one of the worlds greatest mysteries. 


Stepping out of my room the next morning I was surprised to find a breakfast buffet laid out in the middle of the room. I almost wanted to drool at the sight of it. 

"You don't expect me to eat all of this?" I questioned in disbelief. This was enough food for a large family. 

Alfred looked at me, a small smile seeming to want form on his lips. "Of course not. Batman and young Master Dick will be joining shortly. You could get started if you like."

"Thank you Alfred." I said with a grateful smile as I picked up a plate from the pile. "I think I'll take it to my room though. I wouldn't want to intrude."

Alfred simply nodded, turning away to pick up a feather duster. Then suddenly I wondered if he was the only one that did the cleaning in this place. He couldn't possibly. This place was massive.

Pushing the thought aside I started adding food to my plate. Usually I was a generous eater, and a lover of food. But I also knew I was a temporary guest here, so I only served myself a small portion an a glass of orange juice before heading to my room. 

It wasn't long before I heard them return. There was a lot of commotion outside, and what seemed like yelling. I had to praise my good judgment of deciding to stay in my room, or I would have had to witness whatever was happening outside. Finishing my plate I laid down facing the bare wall, wishing there was a window. Maybe that would make be feel like less of a prisoner here.

An hour, maybe less had gone by when I heard I soft knock on the door. It had to be Alfred wanting to pick up my dirty plate, making me feel worse about my stay here. Now I was making some old man clean after another person, when I was perfectly able to clean up after myself. Cook my own breakfast.

"Come in." I muttered, feeling like maybe I could talk to Alfred. He hardly said anything, that must mean he's a good listener. Though I doubt he wanted to hear the despair of a teenage girl. I didn't even want to hear my own thoughts. 

"Bored?" Said a familiar voice, but not the one I was expecting. The one with the British accent, and slight hint of sarcasm. 

I immediately sat up to find Dick standing in the doorway, with a pile of clothes and a pair of shoes in his hands. He had a neutral expression on his face that brought out the fresh cuts above his eyebrow and across his lip. 

"I don't want to be rude, but being locked in an underground lair surrounded by three strangers isn't fun or comforting."

Dick stepped forward closing the door behind him, and I suddenly felt my heart start to beat uncontrollably in my chest.

"I was hoping you would start to feel a little more at home."

I was aware that he was trying. Dick has been kind to me since the moment I got roped up into all of this. But, that didn't change what I felt. The regret of having accepted his offer immediately kicked in the second I was alone. What I really wanted was to get out of here, regardless of how dangerous it was. 

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